In Illinois homosexuality is more important than children. The Pope is spot on. Unless Catholics come home and live their religion this terrible trend will continue. Only Catholics can turn things around in Illinois. They must reject the liberal tyranny over their fellow human beings.
The Pope is exactly right—like usual. St. Thomas Aquinas aligned Catholic Theology with Natural Law Theory.
Natural Law Theory is the basis of our Constitution and is where the term inalienable rights and Natural Rights from God—comes from . Personal property rights stems from Natural Law and the freedom of conscience and religion. The concepts of the Creator goes way back before Christianity-—Cicero acknowledge God-given rights.
Marx and the Postmodernists threw out God and Natural Law Theory. John Austin was the rage in our universities—he rejected God Given Rights and Objective Truth and Natural Law theory. SO—it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL for our government to dump our Supreme Law of the land—The Constitution—just because some Marxist/Darwinist wants to redesign human beings to destroy the natural family and deny the natural rights of children to have a mother and a father-—proven to be the most perfect way to raise emotionally healthy children.
SO, the Pope is in line with our Constitution-—it is based on Natural Law Theory-—not on Stalin’s and Frank’s standards of Right and Wrong.
Our Laws are unjust when they are not in line with Natural Law and our Constitution-—we have not been vigilant —and allowed judges to make “null and void” law. We need to take our country back....start with the legal system.
Only when Catholics return to orthodox belief and are an obvious united counterpoint to that fragmentation can this country turn around.