there is no real Jacobite successor left — none has claimed the throne since the early 1800s — some supporters of Victor Emmanuel III did, but I don’t think he himself claimed it. There is no heir/point today.
Well, here’s the lineage:
1. Charles I King of England
a) Charles II King of England
b) James II and VII King of England
I. James Francis Edward Stuart (James III and VIII)
A. Charles Edward Stuart {Charles III)
B. Henry Benedict Stuart (Henry IX)
II. Mary of England [Mary II Queen of England]
III. Anne of England [Anne Queen of England]
c) Henry Stuart Duke of Gloucester *died*
d) Mary Princess Royal and Princess of Orange
I. William Prince of Orange [William III of England]
e) Elizabeth Stuart Princess of England *died*
f) Anne Stuart Princess of England *died*
g) Henrietta Stuart Duchess of Orleans
I. Marie Louise of Orleans Queen of Spain *died*
II. Anne Marie of Orleans Queen of Sardinia
A. Victor Amadeus Prince of Peidmont *died*
B. Charles Emmanuel III King of Sardinia
1. Victor III of Savoy
e) Charles Emmanuel IV (Charles IV of England)
f) Victor Emmanuel I (Victor I of England)
I. Maria Beatrice of Savoy (Mary III)
A. Francis V Duke of Modena (Francis I)
B. Archduke Ferdinand of Austria *died*
1. Maria Theresia of Austria (Mary IV)
e)Rupprecht Crown Prince of Bavaria
I. Albrecht Duke of Bavaria
A. Franz Duke of Bavaria
B. Max Duke in Bavaria
1. Sophie Princess of Liechtenstein
e) Prince Joseph Wenzel.
The interesting thing is that if you skip Maria Theresia, you end up with the Carlist, (Don Carlos), who is also the claimant to the French and Spanish thrones.