May the Lord comfort Bigg Red of his anxiety for his surgery. May He guide the doctors and technicians. May He surround Red’s family with love and courage. In this I pray. Amen.
My prayers are with you, Bigg Red. I understand fully your anxiety. Even a procedure that the medical community may describe as “routine” is unnerving. I may be out of bounds here but is it possible that your doctor prescribe an anxiety pill for you? I’m not talking about morphine... just something to take the edge off? I’m just thinking that a relaxed patient would do far better than a tense one.
I got some of those when I was going in for a CT scan. In my experience, physicians are usually fairly willing to prescribe those. Sometimes, just the look on my face is enough to convince them, and they will spontaneously write the prescription.
Thank you for your prayers.
Funny you should mention the anti-anxiety meds, as I was just thinking about that last night. Perhaps I’ll call my doc’s office tomorrow.
(BTW, I’m a woman. I know...I know...When I picked my stupid screen name I did not realize it sounded masculine. And I have not been able to figure out how to change it.)