I suppose we can understand that the world of anti-Catholicism only knows Istanbul. They do have a rather tenuous grasp of history.
They don't have a clue. They think that Jesus taught out of the KJV and that Nicea was a matter of a few hours plane flight for bishops all over Christendom.
They also have no clue about Paul's travels and the length of time it took, the people that he addressed and the extent that he had to go to get not only where he was going, but to escape when they descended upon him with instruments of destruction.
They think that Paul emailed everyone with his epistles.
Paul didn’t email his epistles? Who knew?
“Lovie come quickly. The riff-raff are gathering again. How dare they stand before our home, holding signs and carrying those unfortunate black books. Don’t they know darling, that everything they need to know is given to us by our dear magisterium. The nerve! Talking about Paul...’Hey, riff-raff, don’t you know that Paul knew that our beloved Peter was in charge? Simpleton fools. They have no idea that Peter was in Rome. And that Emperor Constantine in Rome. Muwhahaha...Everyone knows it was Vatican City. Ask your officials to read your bibles, fools! It’s in there. It’s all in there.’ I’m exhausted. It isn’t easy trying to teach simpletons. Ring Cadburry and have him bring candles. We shall light a candle and pray they understand someday. We are so blessed to have the best teachers the Church can infallibly declare infallible. Wretched souls who read the Bible for themselves..I’ll never understand it, dear..”