And you've only scratched the surface.
Yes I did only scratch the surface...
and I meant the Garden of Gethsemanee not Eden...
The mormon jesus was a persecuted “victim” who sweated in the Garden of Gethsemanee for the “atonement” of the Mormons (whatever that gets them)...
But the LORD Jesus Christ of the Christian Bible voluntry hung ON THE CROSS and shed His soul saving Blood ON THE CROSS and died ON THE CROSS to save all the world...
Once and for all time...
He paid in full for our PARDON from the death penalty for our sins...
He completed what He left heaven and came here to do...a finished work...
The LORD Jesus cried IT IS FINISHED as He hung ON THE CROSS...
and it was so..
Forevermore men and women now had the right and freedom to claim salvation through the Blood that was shed ON THE CROSS...*
We dont have to work for salvation
We dont have to beg for salvation
We dont have to pay for salvation ...
Freely given...paid for already in full...a finished work...
What a marvelous, gracious Savior the LORD Jesus is...
* In mormonism, women cannot be saved...they have to be married and wait until their husbands decide whether or not he wants to take his wife into the mormon afterlife with him...
In other words the husband is the “savior” and “judge” of the wife...
The LORD Jesus Christ is not a bigot...
His Blood was shed for everybody...
Mormonism is NOT Christianity
The foul practice of polygamy is not part of Christianity..
Idol worship of the pagan Joey Smith is not part of Christianity...
Multiple gods are not part of Christianity...
A non-virgin Mary is not part of Christianity...
Only males going to Heaven is not part of Christianity...
Males becoming gods is not part of Christianity...
Males ruling their own planet is not part of Christianity...
A priesthood system as practiced by the mormons is not part of Christianity
Women as sex slaves in a harem is not part of Christianity...
Women having babies forever is not part of Christianity...
Women being called from their graves by husbands who decide the womans fate is not part of Christianity...
Degradation of women through adultery and so called celestial marriage is not part of Christianity...
Three levels of Heaven is not part of Christianity
Sex in Heaven is not part of Christianity
Men marrying their mother-in-law is not part of Christianity
Men marrying their daughter-in-law is not part of Christianity..
Men marrying their wifes sister is not part of Christianity
Special underwear are not part of Christianity..
Special ceremony clothes are not part of Christianity
Joey Smith deciding who gets into Heaven is not part of Christianity...
Joey Smith as the savior is not part of Christianity...
Recognizing and worshipping the blasphemous Joey Smith is not part of Christianty...
Dead dunking is not part of Christianity...
The idol on top of the mormon temples is not part of Christianity...
The mormon temples are not part of Christianity...
Gathering in zion whether its in Missouri or Utah is not part of Christianity...
The return of the mormon jesus to Missouri is not part of Christianity...
The belief that the garden of Eden was in Missouri is not part of Christianity...
People living on the sun and the moon is not part of Christianity...
The belief that the mormon jesus visited Central America is not part of Christianity...
Freemasonry as practiced by the mormons is not part of Christianity...
Endowments are not part of Christianity...
The book of mormon is not part of Christianity
The tall tales of Joey Smith are not part of Christianity
Mythical ancient civilizations in Central America are not part of Christianity
The so called visions and false prophecies of Joey Smith are not part of Christianity
The mormon Mary having sex with one of the mormon gods is not part of Christianity...
The absence of a cross on a building is not part of Christianity
Pagan and Freemasonry symbols on a building are not part of Christianity
Going through the temple is not part of Christianity...
The denial that Jesus is God is not part of Christianity...
The denial that the Holy Ghost is God is not part of Christianity...
The denial of the Trinity is not part of Christianity...
The belief that the mormon god was once a man is not part of Christianity
The belief that the mormon god was a polygamist is not part of Christianity...
The belief that the mormon jesus was a polygamist is not part of Christianity...
The belief that man, one prostitution is not part of Christianity...
The belief that David went to Hell forever is not part of Christianity.
The belief that David will not be in Heaven is not part of Christianity .
Paying tithes to be saved is not part of Christianity......
Works to be saved is not part of Christianity
Being a member of the mormon corporation is not part of Christianity...
The mormon jesus sweating in the Garden of Gethsemane for atonement is not part of Christianity...
The insulting, degrading, blasphemous false religion of mormonism is not Christianity...
I have never stopped MORMONS from practicing their own religion..
They are free to do so...
I do however state once again for the record...
Mormonism is NOT Christianity...
And if thats considered nasty Im in good company...
Because Im just agreeing with the God of the Christian Bible...
King James Version included...