Then I guess Catholicism isn't so "absolutely unchanging" after all, is it?
I wonder what else the Popes were wrong about? The resurrection of J*sus, maybe?
Maybe you would be happier if they still insisted the Earth was the unmoving center - and the Sun orbited around it?
I'd be happier if people who believe G-d continually interferes with the universe--sending his "mother" to bounce the sun around, zapping bread and wine into "body and blood" every single day, liquifying St. Januarius' blood once a year, raising dead people, bilocating people, etc.--didn't stick their noses in the air and hypocritically say "G-d would never interfere with the universe as it was forming!"
Kosta doesn't share my beliefs, but I'm pinging him to this post solely because the guy is actually consistent. Unlike some people.
Yes, they at least allowed reason to penetrate dogma and they no longer insist that the Sun circles the Earth or other overt irrationalities.
Some would prefer that dogma be absolute and immune from any physical evidence - and think being “absolutely unchanging” while being in error is preferable to modifying a worldview in light of evidence and reason.
These people haven’t contributed much of anything to human knowledge.
I believe that God willed the universe into existence. That there is no separation from God’s will and what He wills coming into existence. Heck I even believe angels move the planets. Do I think days must mean 24 hour days? No but neither do I believe that it can not mean 24 hour days.
Every act of creation was at the hands of God. I don’t worry about the details too much except that knowing any theory that says it just happened randomly is bokum.
Good point ZC. If God changes the bread and wine at every Eucharistic petition, then it is disingenuous to insist he doesn't interfere.