Yes, they at least allowed reason to penetrate dogma and they no longer insist that the Sun circles the Earth or other overt irrationalities.
Some would prefer that dogma be absolute and immune from any physical evidence - and think being “absolutely unchanging” while being in error is preferable to modifying a worldview in light of evidence and reason.
These people haven’t contributed much of anything to human knowledge.
Ah, so the Catholic religion is no longer "unchanging!" Thanks for clearing that up! I hope everyone on FR remembers your admission when some Catholic apologist is waxing poetic about the "one true original church!"
BTW, why is it un-Catholic to believe the sun circles the earth but ueber-Catholic to believe the sun once danced in the skies of Portugal in 1917?
Some would prefer that dogma be absolute
Good to know that Catholics have nothing in common with such people.
and immune from any physical evidence - and think being absolutely unchanging while being in error is preferable to modifying a worldview in light of evidence and reason.
Hmm. Maybe one day science will discover that dead people can't come back to life and then the ever-changing, intellectual, rationalist, so-superior-to-those-stupid-rednecks Catholic Church will have to reinterpret something else as a "beautiful parable."
These people havent contributed much of anything to human knowledge.
Spoken like a true Comtean positivist.