That stuff must be some new Catholic program; my sister in law gave me the same information. Unfortunately while it may be somewhat helpful to other women it’s useless for what’s wrong with me.
But I really don’t see how take medicine to change the way my body operates - the way God made me personally - ok, but using a condom would not be. Both ways could be seen as a human saying “Thanks anyway God but I know better”.
The difference is a matter of medical ethics. True medicine ---= the true "healing art" --- is a matter of curing disease, repairing injury, strengthening that which is abnormally weak or malfunctioning: in other words, getting back to normal, or as close to normal as you can. That means you have a pretty clear idea of what normal, healthy structure and function, actually is.
Contraception and non-intercourse reproductive tech does not do this. Contraception is taking a natural system and delibrately making it non-functional or ab-normal: impeding the very thing the organs and systems were designed to accomplish when functioning optimally. And non-intercourse reproductive tech by-passes normal begetting entirely, and substitutes some impersonal laboratory technique (like IVF.)
If your fertility is impaired for some reason because of disease, malformation, or injury, this does not represent God's positive will for you: it may be said that He permits disease, as He permits many other bad things, but he never positively wills it. It's an abnormality.
True healing always says "Yes" to the normal, and tries to restore it.
It's much like the situation faced by the very small minority of people who have a strong and (as far as they know) lifelong erotic drive toward the same sex. The solution isn't to say, "OK, be proud, be gay, that's the way God made you personally." In fact, it's a disorder. You are entitled to try to remdy that and get back to normal; you not entitled to make your condition an excuse to commit sin.
This hits home for me because I have beloved people in my friend-and-family circle who have to contend with this disorder. It's so important for all of us to help them realize that "No, the gay lifestyle is not God's will for you; He didn't 'make you that way.' And yes, there is hope for healing: really getting back to 'the way it's supposed to be.'"
It takes a lot of patience. That's difficult for most of us.
I wish you well.