That is a bold faced LIE
Sorry if it disappoints you but I have never lied on these boards. As emphatically as you may disagree it really doesn’t matter.
The fact that we have modern revelation is hard for you to accept, that much is clear. It hardly makes it false. Have a great Saturday!
Just what is a lie to you?
If myself and others say “we read your links” and you say no you did not because other wise you would accept lds, you did not read with a pure heart - that is calling myself and others liars.
Sorry; but circular logic don't get it.
Your 'modern revelation' is demon speak.
The two PERSOanages LIED from the beginning.
There was NO total apostacy like Joseph Smith claimed.
There is NO need for 'more' from the mouths of demons, claiming to be god the father (with a physical body) and his son.
There is NO revelation that trumps what the BIBLE has already said.
...PD cannot point out a single untruth about PRESBYTERIANism.
When it actually happens.