Just a thought. There is only one Truth and it takes effort to unearth it.
Relativism is what is killing this country and all the “immutable” principles that made it work for hundreds of years. We are preventing a “God”-centered country now, instead of being one.....Our government is promoting Secular Humanism in schools and media (the Atheist religion) and chasing God out of our “democracy”. We are no longer a Republic...we are a socialist mess where we have had our freedoms stripped from us at an amazing speed.
We need to restore God as the Giver of all our rights and get rid of the Positivism and return to the fundamental intent of our
Constitution....no man-made laws allowed that go against Natural Law Theory which always presupposes a Supreme Being. Put the 10 Commandments back in the public square because that was the intent of our Founding Fathers and the basis of our legal system. Revelation with Natural Law Theory. We never were intended to be a country of man-made law based on whims and corruption to force ideas that go against God’s Laws and the Laws of Nature.
Think about it....Since Oliver Wendell Holmes...our judicial system has become an absolute JOKE! So corrupt and unjust. He removed Moral Law from our our Judicial system. It can never be Just and won’t!
Judicial system is an oxymoron now.
I agree. I believe that our unalienable, immutable rights come from our creator and not from any Earthly agency. That which the government gives, the government may just as easily take away. But that which God has bestowed, no man can remove nor repudiate.
And while I am not a Christian, I am perfectly okay with the 10 Commandments being displayed in public places, as well as allusions to God being placed on our currency and public buildings.
Christianity is the foundation of our culture and laws, whether I happen to embrace it as my religious faith or not, and the secularists and atheists who argue otherwise are simply wrong.