I beleive Mormonism is a cult that has entrapped millions of well-meaning, sincere, but deceived people.
I believe it is run as a money- and power-hungry corporation by thousands of conniving, duplicit, complicit deceivers.
The frustrating responses you got from me were mocking the sort of responses we Christians get from the Mormons here on FR every single day.
They are so deeply indoctrinated that to question is to "bash".
You will never get an answer to your very good question, not will you get an admission that there IS NO LINEAGE.
Yeah... you foul, Hateful, BIGOTED antis 'play the part' all right!
Pretending that YOU are 'christians' and have the truth.
Well; me and my buds are ONTO you and your tricks!
--MormonDupe(I have a testimony: you don't!)