You are being sarcastic, aren’t you?
For believers are told in both the O.T. and the N.T. that we are to take care of our families AND help the poor, the orphans, the widows, etc., both of God’s people who are serving Him, and people who are living in the darkness of their own souls. We are to give of our wealth voluntarily, from the heart, because of who God is first, and because of who we are in Christ.
2 Corinthinans 9 is a passage on giving written through the apostle Paul.
Jesus said that it would be hard for the rich man to enter heaven, not impossible, according to the parable of the rich young ruler (who walked away from Him).
Jesus said we can’t serve the Lord and mammon at the same time.
Yes, I was actually *quite* sarcastic (although I actually heard a few guys talking this way not so long ago.) The whole concept of “Prosperity Christianity” keeps cropping up in cycles throughout American History - and the only people who ever get rich are the false prophets who preach this. My father used to listen to Reverend Ike for the man’s amazing patter - but I just distrusted the man.
I believe quite firmly that we must work to comfort the afflicted, feed the poor, shelter the homeless, console the orphan, support the widow. Nor should it be only to the extent that we feel comfortable with - it shouldn’t be about OUR comfort, but theirs. That is Christ’s lesson!
Most of us are NEVER going to be “wealthy,” no matter how diligently we work or how frugal we are or how much we try to save. It is not wealth that gives us peace, but the knowledge of our union with God.
I will aver, however, that having enough money to pay everyday bills also brings some peace.