If you pay close attention to just who it is that becomes angry, you will find that it is the mormons.
By your logic, the Christians should just ignore the thousands and thousands of missionaries, and the millions and millions of dollars spent on TV and radio ads by the mormons to spread THEIR words.
The Christian churches prefer to spend their money in actually giving AID to the needy and the poor, and in their missionaries and members going out and digging wells, building houses and churches for the poor and needy rather than to try and convert Christians away from Jesus to their unBiblical sect. We aren't on TV and radio saying, "Look at us, we're NORMAL"...we are quietly going about the business of the Lord without advertising it.
Those of us who have the time and feel the call to combat the spreading of the lies of mormonism by posting here go about our lives with our families and churches and communities WHILE we "evangelize" against the fallacies of the Book of Joseph Smith. Look elsewhere for this "anger" you think you see in us.
Reminds me of liberals when you confront them with the truth.