You are not alone...
Today on his radio program, Glenn Beck stated almost word for word what two apologists have stated in this thread, that it is Jesus Christ who saves, that they are trusting the Jesus of the Bible to be their Savior, and that makes them Christians. Sadly, when the quotes from his own teachers in Mormonism are sent to Glenn, he has no time to read them or think about how the Mormon jesus is so different from the Jesus of the Bible. I suppose Glenn counts on his work now to be counted as ‘after all that he can do’, so God will owe him salvation in the Jesus of the Bible even if he affirms with his presence and tithes and affirmations of the Mormon prophets that he believes in the Mormon jesus. I wonder, why did Jesus ask His disciples “Who do YOU say that I AM?” To the Mormon mind, just about any definition of Whom Jesus IS will be good enough ... to the god of Momronism that is.