Undecided readers,
If you peruse the Free Republic religion forums you will notice a pattern. There’s a group of cultists, known as mormons. While you cannot see the magic underwear they wear as they type their posts, it (apparently) gives them powers to obfuscate and demean others with generalities, while avoiding ever giving a factual answer.
Beware their links to the perverted and historically condemned doctrines of demons - mormonism.
Many of us here are Christians, who believe the Bible, and consequently are posting to expose these perversions of the Scriptures and of the person of Christ. It turns out that cultists do not appreciate it when someone invalidates their experience.
Beware their attempts to style themselves as Christians, while denying the Church, the Savior, in fact, God, and making Them into a created things.
Beware their strawman arguments.
Beware their attempts to generalize while avoiding any:
...Logical reasoning
They often try to portray Christians who are fulfilling the commands to expose evil as “bashers” or “anti-mormons”. This is convenient for them, but false. We oppose the doctrine of mormonism...
... Just as the Apostle Paul did:
“But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!”
- Galatians 1:8
If you peruse the Free Republic religion forums you will notice a pattern. Theres a group of cultists, known as mormons. While you cannot see the magic underwear they wear as they type their posts, it (apparently) gives them powers to obfuscate and demean others with generalities, while avoiding ever giving a factual answer.
Beware their links to the perverted and historically condemned doctrines of demons - mormonism.
Many of us here are Christians, who believe the Bible, and consequently are posting to expose these perversions of the Scriptures and of the person of Christ. It turns out that cultists do not appreciate it when someone invalidates their experience.
Beware their attempts to style themselves as Christians, while denying the Church, the Savior, in fact, God, and making Them into a created things.
Beware their strawman arguments.
Beware their attempts to generalize while avoiding any:
...Logical reasoning
They often try to portray Christians who are fulfilling the commands to expose evil as bashers or anti-mormons. This is convenient for them, but false.
Cute, mildly clever and completely false.
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