So you subscribe to a definition of a changing 'god' - not the eternal unchanging God of D&C. "Potential" of man, lets be precise about it norm, the teaching is that man and 'god' are of the same species or race.
To me, you, the earth, the heavens, God is infinite, eternal, from everlasting to everlasting because we are created by him.
Sorry, smith taught specifically that God was not eternal (refuted). The mormon 'God' cannot have eternally been 'God' by definition because he was once a man. By definition this 'god' cannot be unchanging since throughout his 'life' he has been changing and according to mormon teaching continues to change doesn't he norm.
See norm - your doctrine doesn't support your claim.
He will always be God to me and you therefore there he is and always will be the object of my worship.
To which I have to ask once again - since you haven't supplied a answer yet - why don't you worship Jehovah as the true God (De 4:35 Unto thee it was shewed, that thou mightest know that the LORD he is God; there is none else beside him.) I find your insistence that heavenly father is the only God to worship odd.
And that god had a god too didn't he, and that god a god, ad infinitum. Ever hear of Zeno, norm. To put the mathematics into a simple summary - it is an impossibility that the mormon universe, as you claim, had no beginning. If that was the case, then the infinite time prior to the present could never have been traversed so that the present is reached.
And these 'gods' as men were sinners too Norm? Sin was necessary to begin procreation we are told in the temple ceremony (as well as other places). Who was their saviors then norm?
According to third President John Taylor, - "There is not a principle associated with the gospel of the Son of God but what is eternal in its nature and consequences, and we cannot with impunity trample upon any principle that is correct without having to suffer the penalty thereof before God and the holy angels, and in many instances before men. The principles of the gospel being eternal, they were framed and originated with the Almighty in eternity before the world was according to certain eternal laws, and hence the gospel is called the everlasting gospel" (The Gospel Kingdom, p.90).
The eternal laws must be upheld - right norm? What god established these eternal laws? - none could have because no God according to mormonism has held the position of God eternally due to the eternal regression of Gods - there NEVER was a FIRST god to establish them.
Mormon teaching says a lot of things about 'god' norm, but when one pulls them together they terminally conflict with each other. A 'god' cannot have been eternally a god when that same 'god' was either a spirit child or human or some intermediate being working their way to godhood.
How does one have a relationship with a 'god' that misleads you? How can god tell you he has always been god, yet then tell you that he also was not a god during an undefined period of time. One of the two is a lie Norm, how does one have a relationship with a god that lies? How can one accept the demand to be righteous when the god demanding that righteousness has been a sinner? Sounds pretty ugly to me norm.
“lets be precise about it norm, the teaching is that man and ‘god’ are of the same species or race”
Exactly. That is why we call God Father, and we are his sons and daughters.