So, Our Lord Jesus Christ had a brother? So a sinful child was conceived in Mary's womb?
They weasel word away all those solid clear Scriptures.
They pretend God Almighty couldn’t possibly have said what He meant and meant what He said.
“”So, Our Lord Jesus Christ had a brother?”
Nope,not a biological connection.Mary had no other children through pregnancy. You don’t understand that brother means kinsman
Acts 1:12-15 - the gathering of Jesus’ “brothers” amounts to about 120. That is a lot of “brothers.” Brother means kinsmen in Hebrew.
Acts 7:26; 11:1; 13:15,38; 15:3,23,32; 28:17,21 - these are some of many other examples where “brethren” does not mean blood relations.
Oh, Gracious MOI!
Of course, we Catholics NEVER touch the Bible so it's entirely a NEW NOTION that James is referred to as the brother of our Lord. Wow! Are we going to have to re-think everything or WHAT!
But, me, I'm not going to rethink wasting time on this sort of thing.
Yes, like in the Middle East or South Asia today, “brother” can mean cousin or step-brother or adopted brother or foster brother or real brother or even close friend. Familial ties are closer, yet definitions looser than the Anglo-Saxon world