I am with you! I am not Catholic, and have no desire to be, (do not take offense if you are Catholic) but I attend Mass with my wife and daughter. When I was in Nevada, (before I was married) I went to Mass because the Priest was very traditional and I enjoyed his homily, as a family we attended Mass in Illinois. In those cases I generally walked away thinking about what was said. At the church we attended now, I waiver since sometimes it is OK sometimes I would do better reading a bible passage and pondering on it for five minutes.
There is something to be said for tradition, what could be better than a good sermon that teaches us something and gives us a chance to think about something other than bills, politics and work? These modern services are about conversion, money for the church or why this church is the only true path to God. Give me a traditional service that teaches what God expects of me and why Jesus said this or did that. I have to go to Barnes and Noble to find out things the priest should be telling the congregation.
I’m not a Catholic either, but finding services locally that are enjoyable to me are pretty hard to find. We had a great minister and the church elders fired him and spend over 3 years looking for an acceptable replacement! When they finally found their “dream guy” he was well in to his 60’s and boring and redundant as (excuse the word)”hell”. I also get annoyed if over half of the service is singing, I know many love lots of singing, but to me when you get past 4 songs in to 8 or 10 range it is beyond annoying to me........Give me Dr. Charles Stanley out of Atlanta, or John Hagee our of San Antonio, TX if nothing else. At least they have a great delivery!
Wise analysis. Thanks.