What I find interesting is that the was no statement regarding that the wife MUST be brought through the veil by her husband - there is no mechanism for her to go in by herself.
What I find interesting is that the was no statement regarding that the wife MUST be brought through the veil by her husband -
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Nope, but IIRC it is still part of the temple ceremony and only the husband knows the wife’s ‘new name’, she cannot know his. Very telling.
What I find interesting is that the was no statement regarding that the wife MUST be brought through the veil by her husband - there is no mechanism for her to go in by herself.
And ya think that it would be the woman who would have to take the man through the veil...
and call HIM out of the grave...if she wanted to...
Hey mormon corporation...looks like this is getting to loomk more and more ridiculous,
“Women have a sacred role in the sanctification and purification of men,”
Why dont you just admit its just another big fat desparate lie ...
A PR trick finger to dam up the holes in the mormon religion dyke...