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Can Non-Catholics Be Saved?
Inside Catholic ^ | October 24, 2009 | Mark Shea

Posted on 10/25/2009 5:47:50 AM PDT by NYer

Unam Sanctam is the sort of document that gives our Protestant brothers and sisters a real jolt, primarily because it looks at first blush as though it teaches that Catholics cannot have Protestant brothers and sisters. Written by Pope Boniface VIII in 1302, this papal bull concludes with a shocking dogmatic definition:
We declare, say, define and pronounce, that it is absolutely necessary for the salvation of every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff.
The average modern reader concludes that these words mean: "We know exactly where the Church both is and is not. It's in the visible Catholic communion and only members of the visible Catholic Church go to heaven."
After this basic assumption has been made, most people go on to assume it is simply a matter of deciding what you think about that proposition. Generally, people fall into one of the following groups:
  1. Those nice people who say hopefully, "That statement was not dogma, but just Boniface's opinion."

  2. Those progressive dissenting Catholics who say, "That statement used to be narrow-minded Catholic dogma, but Vatican II thankfully contradicts all that. How the Church has grown!"

  3. Those anti-Catholics who say derisively, "That statement used to be unbiblical Catholic dogma but Vatican II reversed all that. Now the supposedly infallible Church has flatly contradicted the Bible and itself!"

  4. Those reactionary dissenting Catholics who say, "That statement used to be glorious Catholic dogma, but Vatican II betrayed all that. How the Second Vatican Council has corrupted the One True Faith!"

  5. Those orthodox Catholics who say, "Unam Sanctam's definition is still dogma, and the teaching of the Second Vatican Council does not contradict it or the Bible. Rather, the council develops the Faith of the Church infallibly taught since the apostles, a faith that has never demanded we believe that the Church is found solely in the visible Catholic communion, nor that only members of the visible Catholic Church can go to heaven." 
Let's look at these five views of Unam Sanctam.
First things first: I must disappoint group one by making clear that the Faith does not allow us the easy out of denying the dogmatic nature of Unam Sanctam any more than it allowed Arius to fudge the difficult and seemingly contradictory proposition that God is One, yet Three. As John Hardon, S.J., points out in his Catholic Catechism, the passage cited above was "solemnly defined and represents traditional Catholic dogma on the Church's necessity for salvation." When a pope declares, says, pronounces, and defines, he is using the formula to make crystal-clear that he is delivering not his personal opinion but the dogmatic teaching of the Catholic Church. The fact is, then, Boniface VIII committed the Church to this proposition for the rest of her history. We cannot dodge this with a convenient "that was then, this is now." If it was dogma once, it still is.
However, neither can we dodge another fact of Catholic history: the Second Vatican Council. At that council, 660 years after Unam Sanctam, the Church formulated Lumen Gentium, in which she declared, "The Church knows that she is joined in many ways to the baptized who are honored by the name of Christian, but do not profess the Catholic faith in its entirety or have not preserved unity or communion under the successor of Peter."
To groups two, three, and four, this sounds like a flat contradiction. For all these folk make the fatal error of placing one or another of the Church's teachings in opposition to (and superiority over) the other. Thus, progressive dissenting Catholics, anti-Catholics, and reactionary dissenting Catholics all assume that Unam Sanctam was simply vetoed by a newly coined doctrine in Lumen Gentium that essentially declares that our relationship to the successor of Peter doesn't matter one iota. If we agree about this, all that remains for us to do is to decide whether to cheer along with progressive dissenters (for the Church's "deepened maturity"), to gloat along with anti-Catholics (over the alleged collapse of the Church's infallibility), or to grumble along with reactionary dissenters (about those damned modernists who hijacked the Church at Vatican II).
But there is one simple problem with this assumption: It's not true. First, the Church, centuries before Vatican II, regarded Orthodox sacraments as valid, which is awfully hard to do if you don't think Christ can be found anywhere but in the Catholic Church. Similarly, it has always regarded the baptism of non-Catholics as valid -- and a valid baptism means you are, in some sense, in union with Christ. Still more recently and most plainly (but still well before the council), Rev. Leonard Feeney was excommunicated for insisting that only people in visible communion with the Catholic Church could be saved. So this simplistic "We're in, you're out" reading of Unam Sanctam (and the corollary that Lumen Gentium "cancelled" it) doesn't fly.
So is there a more balanced picture that reverences both Unam Sanctam and Lumen Gentium as authentic magisterial teaching? Yes. To find it, let's begin with an imperfect analogy.
An Unknowing Disciple

There is a priest I know (call him Father Smith) whom I have come to regard as a second father. I came to do so because, as an Evangelical, I first loved Christ and the things of Christ and did for years before I met this man. As I sought to draw closer to Christ, I then happened to meet Father Smith and to discover that he loved and understood far more deeply than I the things that I myself sought, for he was a disciple of our Lord, too. When I recognized this, I realized our Lord had put into my life a man who could disciple me and to whom my life was inextricably linked in Christ and by Christ. In short, I had been a disciple of Father Smith for years before I met him -- because I was first a disciple of Jesus.
Thus, in spirit, Father Smith became my father and I am, so to speak, subject to him in Christ precisely because I desire what he desires -- union with Christ.
If this seems difficult to grasp, it should be noted that it's a concept as old as the New Testament. When we look there, we discover Jesus saying exactly the same thing:
John said to him, "Teacher, we saw a man casting out demons in your name, and we forbade him, because he was not following us." But Jesus said, "Do not forbid him; for no one who does a mighty work in my name will be able soon after to speak evil of me. For he that is not against us is for us" (Mk 9:38–40, emphasis added).
Jesus' point is that, in following Him, both the man casting out demons and the apostles -- whether the man or the apostles realized it or not -- were brought into some kind of union with one another through Him. It didn't matter whether the apostles or the man were conscious of it. Their mutual obedience to Him put them in relationship to each other, just as the right alignment of spokes to a hub necessarily put the spokes in right alignment to one another. The fact is, it is His Spirit, not we, who is the principle of unity holding His Body together and drawing its members into ever more perfect union with each other. But that does not mean (as I had long believed as an Evangelical) that unity with the Body of Christ doesn't matter so long as one is "spiritual." For to be brought into union with the Body of Christ at all is to be brought into the order that Christ has established for that Body, since
His gifts were that some should be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Eph 4:11–13).
Or, to put it into the simplest form, if A=B, then B=A. That is, if one is a Christian at all, one is, as Lumen Gentium says, in some kind of union with the Church, the Body of Christ. This is why the Church teaches and has always taught that "outside the Church, there is no salvation." For the Church is the company of the saved. To talk about salvation "outside the Church" is like talking about swimming outside the water. It is the logical consequence of Jesus' statement, "He who is not with me is against me" (Mt 12:30).
It therefore follows that to be subject to the gospel to any degree is to be in union, to that degree, with the office of Peter, since the office of Peter was created by Christ for one purpose only: to help bring people into subjection to Christ. It is therefore impossible to accept Christ without accepting the authority of Peter's office to some degree or other. If you say to Jesus, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God," you are submitting to the judgment of Peter, who said it first (Mt 16:16). If you declare that salvation is by grace through Christ, you are again subjecting yourself to Peter, who was the first to say that by the Holy Spirit (Acts 15:11). If you teach that Jesus is the second Person of the Blessed Trinity, God from God, light from light, true God from true God, you are simply agreeing with what the Church in council and in union with the office of Peter has always taught. If you acknowledge the canonicity of the New Testament books, you are likewise submitting to the judgment of the Petrine office, which made that call in the fourth century and ratified it in the 16th. In short, it is not possible to be a Christian at all without already submitting (whether you realize it or not and whether you like it or not) to Peter in precisely the sense that Unam Sanctam speaks of.
One With Peter?
Naturally, it will be noted that such union with the Roman pontiff is, for Protestants and Orthodox, imperfect. Just so. But the point nonetheless holds that such union is real. And the reason it is real is precisely because the pope is not the principle of unity, but merely the sign of unity. The principle of unity is the Spirit of Christ Himself. It is He who binds together the apostolic Church with those who appear (like the exorcist in Mark) to be "outside" the Church yet who are, in a real but imperfect way, in communion with her. That's because it is simply not possible for there to be more than one body. This is true, not because the power-hungry Roman pontiff must have absolute control over all Christians, but because Christ cannot ultimately be divided. What Paul said in Ephesians remains just as true today:
There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of us all, who is above all and through all and in all (Eph 4:4–6).
So it is simply impossible for there to be, in any ultimate sense, more than one body. And since that body is, by Christ's solemn word, founded on Peter the Rock, it is not possible to belong to it without, in some way, being subject to the office of the one who was given the charge to "feed my sheep" (Jn 21:15).
I say the office, mind you, not the person of the pope. As a person, a pope can be a perfect jerk, and some have been. In the same way, the office of the Davidic monarch (also founded by God) was often filled by extremely sub-optimal men. But the office never went away or lost its God-ordained authority.
Dante, a contemporary of the man who wrote Unam Sanctam, makes precisely this point in his famous Divine Comedy. In an age of Da Vinci Code illiteracy and ignorance of the Catholic Faith, it comes as a surprise to many modern readers to discover that so far from running a police state, the medieval Church was, in fact, full of critics who had lots of tart things to say about, among other things, the pope and other clergy of the time. Dante was chief among these critics in his day and, in particular, was chief among the critics of Boniface VIII. Dante, in fact, places Boniface in his Inferno, damned forever. But note this: Dante does not damn him for the teaching of Unam Sanctam, which he takes for granted. He damns him for his moral corruption yet, like a typical Catholic, honors his office. That's why Boniface is buried upside down in hell: As pope he is oriented toward heaven even when, as a sinner, he is worthy of hell, for the way out of Dante's hell is not up but down, through the center of the earth, then up Mount Purgatory, and into paradise.
So is this partial and imperfect unity enough? Depends on what you mean by "enough." If you mean "enough to be saved," then I submit that this is Minimum Daily Adult Requirement thinking. No lover asks, "What's the absolute bare minimum amount of contact with my beloved I can get away with?" Similarly, if, as the Church claims, the fullness of revelation subsists in the Catholic communion, then "How little contact with the fullness of revelation can I get away with?" is the exact wrong question for somebody who is serious about discipleship to Christ. Our goal, according to Scripture, is not to achieve bare minimums of love, fellowship, and discipleship with Christ and His Bride, but to "attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. . . . We are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by every joint with which it is supplied, when each part is working properly, makes bodily growth and upbuilds itself in love" (Eph 4:13–16). When people tell us "I'll be there in spirit!" we know they mean "I won't be there." Similarly, a merely partial spiritual unity, while a good start, is a bad finish. That is why we must all continue to work toward full unity in Christ, neither denying our commonalities nor papering over our differences.
So... Who Is Saved?
At this point, members of groups three and four (who tend to take heaven more seriously as something that is there and not simply -- as members of group two are wont to say -- a "concept" or a "beautiful myth") are likely to ask, "So does all this boil down to saying the Church thinks Catholics are going to heaven and non-Catholics aren't? Or does it really mean the Church is now saying that everybody is saved?"
Again, both of these are the wrong questions, which is to say they are nonsense questions. The Church makes no comments on infernal population statistics. Rather, the Church teaches that because validly baptized non-Catholics are real members of the Body of Christ, they share in the life of the Blessed Trinity and therefore share with Catholics the hope of salvation.
That said, mark that it is hope, not certainty, they share with Catholics. For it is important to remember that Catholics don't assume that even Catholics are automatically going to heaven. The whole point, as Paul says, is that hope means we have not, in this life, attained what we hope for yet.
For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience (Rom 8:24–25).
Catholics don't believe in "once saved, always saved" any more than in salvation by demographics. So the mere fact that somebody says he is a Christian, whether non-Catholic or Catholic, doesn't mean we assume he is going to heaven. Till we die, we retain the radical freedom to reject the grace of God and end up among the damned. Catholics leave God to judge all that.
But by the same token, Catholics also don't assume that anybody (even a non-Christian and indeed even an atheist) is going to hell. The Church has always believed that those who do not know Christ by name may yet respond to the promptings of His Spirit and so ultimately be saved by Him. She believes this because it was taught by Jesus Christ in the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, which describes the judgment of people who had no idea they were serving (or rejecting) Jesus as they answered (or refused) the demands of conscience with respect to "the least of these." That is why both the saved and the damned in the parable reply with astonishment to the King, "Lord, when did we see thee hungry and feed thee, or thirsty and give thee drink? And when did we see thee a stranger and welcome thee, or naked and clothe thee? And when did we see thee sick or in prison and visit thee?" (Mt 25:37–39).
Some of the saved, says our Lord, are going to be astonished at their salvation. They just thought they were doing the right thing and had no idea they were, in fact, answering the prompting of the Holy Spirit to obey the will of Christ. As Paul says, "When Gentiles who have not the law do by nature what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. They show that what the law requires is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness and their conflicting thoughts accuse or perhaps excuse them on that day when, according to my gospel, God judges the secrets of men by Christ Jesus" (Rom 2:14–16). In short, what matters incomparably more than calling Jesus "Lord, Lord" is obeying Him. Or as St. John of the Cross put it mere sweetly, "At the evening of life, we shall be judged on our love."
But again, that doesn't mean, "It doesn't matter if you are Catholic or not." We live in a fallen world and are fallen creatures who need every bit of help we can get from the grace of God to become the glorious, love-filled creatures God calls us to be. And even with that help, history demonstrates our genius for being schleps and sinners. We are like patients in a hospital requiring intensive care, but with the hope and promise that the full panoply of modern medicine could give us back our life if we cooperate with the Divine Physician and let Him use all the treatments He has tucked away in His little black bag. That little black bag is called "the fullness of Christ's revelation in the Catholic communion." It includes the common life, common worship, and common teaching of the Church; as well as the seven sacraments, the accumulated wisdom of the Tradition both in Scripture and in the life of the Church, the Magisterium (including the papacy), and the "riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints" (Eph 1:18). Other churches and ecclesial bodies like to use various items out of that black bag (say, the Bible, or baptism, or the doctrine of the Trinity; or some particular moral teaching like the indissolubility of marriage, or predestination, or free will) in various combinations and to varying degrees, and believers do well to avail themselves of as much of God's treasury in the Church's Tradition as they can lay hold of.
But if you are mortally ill (and the whole human race is mortally ill with sin), it's crazy to say, "I find that I'm most comfortable when the doctor prescribes aspirin, and I do like his penicillin now and then, but I don't want his other prescriptions and treatments and I won't allow him to send other hospital staff to treat me." If we were mortally ill, we'd want whatever the doctor has available to heal us.
All May Be One
Likewise, though the Catholic Church rejoices that real elements of the saving gospel are present and working in other churches and ecclesial bodies, and though she even rejoices that the semina verbi, or "seeds of the Word," can be found in the various non-Christian religious and philosophical traditions of the world, she nonetheless points out that the best thing of all is to lay hold of the fullness of His gifts. So the Church, of course, encourages anyone who can do so to become Catholic. It doesn't presume to judge those who do not, for we mortals cannot know the reasons why others make the choices they do. People may refuse the Church out of ignorance, or woundedness, or some other cause that renders them inculpable for rejecting her. However, it is only sensible to point out that, everything else being equal, if we say we want God, but refuse the fullness of His gifts, then it is worth asking ourselves if we really want God after all or are, in fact, seeking something else.
As an Evangelical who discovered how much truth was in the Catholic Faith and how much I agreed with it, I came to the realization that it was not enough for me to say "I share the same goals as Peter, so I am 'spiritually subject' to him already and do not need to be sacramentally and ecclesially subject as well." I realized that the very essence of what Peter proclaims is that the Word became Flesh. Moreover, I came to realize that there was, in fact, nothing in the Church's deposit of Faith that was either opposed to reason or anti-biblical. So I eventually concluded that it was therefore my duty, in obedience to Christ's prayer for unity in John 17, to enflesh my faith by becoming really, tangibly, physically, sacramentally joined to the visible Church our Lord commended to Peter's care and feeding. I could no longer say "I'll be with you in spirit" to the pope if I were not also willing to really be with him in body as well.
Catholics do not say, and never have said, that they are the sole possessors of revelation. Indeed, the Church does not "possess" revelation at all. Revelation possesses her; and that revelation, who is Christ, has, she teaches, committed Himself fully to her. "God," said the great Protestant writer George MacDonald, "is easy to please, but hard to satisfy." On the one hand, God is delighted when the most miserable sinner takes the smallest serious step toward the love of God and neighbor. On the other hand, He will not be completely happy until every last person He came to save is completely perfected in the image of Christ and overflowing with perfect love for God and neighbor. This same pattern is supremely evident in the Catholic Church's understanding of her relationship with her members, whether in full or very imperfect communion. For the Church is happy to recognize even the smallest commonalities she may share, not only with other Christians, but even with non-Christian religious traditions and the great philosophical traditions of paganism. The Church can even find things to affirm in virtuous atheists. But at the same time, the Church is acutely aware that there is a real difference between imperfect and perfect unity and so she, too -- easy to please, but hard to satisfy -- labors toward that day when all the members of the Body of Christ will be perfected in faith, hope, and love.
Till that day, we know where the Church is; we do not know where she is not.

TOPICS: Apologetics; Catholic; Ecumenism; Theology
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To: wagglebee
Please read post 452 slowly for comprehension.
shalom b'SHEM Yah'shua HaMashiach

461 posted on 10/27/2009 10:31:39 AM PDT by Uri’el-2012 (Psalm 119:174 I long for Your salvation, YHvH, Your law is my delight.)
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To: wagglebee; UriÂ’el-2012
>>> 1. NOWHERE in your link does it say that the Emperor Constantine was Pontiff of the Church. <<<

Let's see: the Emperor Augustus was the first to inherit the title of pontifex maximus, waaay back during the Principate. The Emperor Gratian (367-383) renounced the title of pontifex maximus during his rule, becoming, as my source states, "the first emperor in almost four centuries to refuse the office that brought with it control of the ROMAN STATE RELIGION." (H. A. Drake, _Constantine and the Bishops_, p.403).

Augustus' rule ended in AD 14. Constantine reigned from AD 306 to 337. Gratian, once again, ruled from AD 367 to 383. Since the Imperial office of Pontifex Maximus was assumed with Augustus and abandoned with Gratian, and Constantine ruled between the two, then Constantine was Pontifex Maximus of the Roman State Religion. QED.

And, wagglebee, what WAS the Roman State Religion in AD 325, when Constantino il Grande summoned the Council of Nicea?

I'm not quite sure about the point that UriÂ’el-2012 was making about Easter, but on this matter of fact he's right. You -- and others -- owe him an apology.

462 posted on 10/27/2009 10:41:25 AM PDT by Poe White Trash (Wake up!)
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To: UriÂ’el-2012; NYer; narses; Petronski; Mad Dawg
Please read post 452 slowly for comprehension.

Wow, what a brazenly inappropriate display of condescension.

Nevertheless, here is what you wrote:


Now, it is YOUR job to prove your claim. YOU need to prove that this is contained in a Catholic translation of the New Testament of the Holy Bible. It IS NOT my job to prove a negative; if you are uncertain why it's not my job to prove a negative, I suggest you find an introduction to logic textbook.

In case I'm not clear, the ONLY thing I am interested in is the name of a Catholic translation that contains portions of the New Testament that you dismiss as apocryphal. Passages from Scripture, be they in English, Hebrew, Latin, Greek or any other language ARE NOT answers.

I will await your response.

463 posted on 10/27/2009 10:47:28 AM PDT by wagglebee ("A political party cannot be all things to all people." -- Ronald Reagan, 3/1/75)
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To: UriÂ’el-2012


Which is to say the phrase "Roman Catholic Apocrypha of the NT" is confusing. As far as I know there is not a specifically RC Apocrypha of the NT.

There is some apocryphal NT literature. It's not associated with any church of which I am aware. I was reading the so-called Apocryphal NT when I was in Episcopal seminary -- for amusement, mostly, and idle curiosity.

464 posted on 10/27/2009 10:47:48 AM PDT by Mad Dawg (Oh Mary, conceived without sin: pray for us who have recourse to thee.)
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To: Mad Dawg

Thank you for the reference.

It reads, “But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”

FWIW, I believe this teaches the Eternalness and Infinite Nature of God.

If God is eternal - even if IN time - then a thousand years would be as one day. It is hard for us to imagine living a thousand years, let alone all eternity. This was first brought to my mind by my youngest daughter, who at 8 read The Lord of the Rings...along with the appendixes. She objected to a marriage between Arwen and Aragorn, because the elf was 1800 years old and ‘what would she see in any human’? A somewhat freaky question from an 8 year old reading the appendixes to the Lord of the Rings...

But if God is Eternal, then a thousand years might be better described as a minute, or a second.

And think about an Infinite God. If you divide infinity by any number, however large, you still have infinity. No matter how many people are in the world, or how many worlds, when you divide it all into God’s Infinity, you have...infinity. I had a chance to teach a young adults class, and I told them to imagine being given 20 years where all you did at work was study a single postage stamp. At the end of 20 years, you will know less about that postage stamp than God does, because there is no limit to his attention.

So a day IS like a thousand years, and more, to God. There is no trouble or concern we can bring Him that is too trivial, since His Infinite nature means He has limitless attention to pay to it. I find this to be a great comfort in my life - “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven, but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.” - Matt 10

I’ve read that there are roughly 100,000 hairs on a human head, and 50-100 fall out each day - and God has them numbered! He knows if today’s loss on Mr Rogers is 28 or 92...and at my age, a higher number may be correct! But God knows if it is 99,983 or 101,213 today for Mr Rogers!

Anyways, that is MOPIOS, as some Catholic Apologists would put it. Take it for what it is worth, or not worth. But that is why I don’t believe that verse indicates God is outside of time.

In our Sunday School class, we are working our way through a Systematic Theology text. Sometime in the next week or two, we’ll hit the part where Grudem says God is outside of time. I suspect the teacher will want to throw the book - all 1000+ pages of it - at me before the end of THAT class!

465 posted on 10/27/2009 10:52:24 AM PDT by Mr Rogers (I loathe the ground he slithers on!)
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To: Poe White Trash
...but on this matter of fact he's right.

Not even remotely.

466 posted on 10/27/2009 10:52:33 AM PDT by Petronski (In Germany they came first for the Communists, And I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist...)
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To: Poe White Trash
And, wagglebee, what WAS the Roman State Religion in AD 325, when Constantino il Grande summoned the Council of Nicea?

The fact that Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire DID NOT make him head of the Church. You can find well-documented lists of Catholic popes on the internet, NONE of them will ever list Constantine as a pope. In 325, His Holiness Sylvester I was pope.

I'm not quite sure about the point that UriÂ’el-2012 was making about Easter,

Keep digging, you'll figure it out.

467 posted on 10/27/2009 10:56:07 AM PDT by wagglebee ("A political party cannot be all things to all people." -- Ronald Reagan, 3/1/75)
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To: UriÂ’el-2012
you forgot the other books of the Apocrypha:

The Protozoa of Cornelius

The Gospel of Brian

The Book of Sonny concerning the jumping up to reach Cher
shal-om b;SHEM And hiach (*Gorblessyou*)

468 posted on 10/27/2009 11:04:20 AM PDT by Cronos (Nuke Mecca NOW!!!)
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To: wagglebee; Petronski; Mad Dawg

Guys — Uriel is the new avatar of XeniaST. Come on — weren’t the bashem, hashem etc. very reminiscent of old XST?

469 posted on 10/27/2009 11:05:55 AM PDT by Cronos (Nuke Mecca NOW!!!)
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To: Cronos
Was the Book of Armaments OT or NT?
“ ...And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, "O Lord, bless this Thy hand grenade that with it Thou mayest blow Thine enemies to tiny bits, in Thy mercy." And the Lord did grin and the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths and carp and anchovies and orangutans and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats and ... And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin, then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceedest on to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it."

470 posted on 10/27/2009 11:09:01 AM PDT by Petronski (In Germany they came first for the Communists, And I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist...)
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To: Cronos

Yeah, I figured that out a long time ago.

471 posted on 10/27/2009 11:09:45 AM PDT by wagglebee ("A political party cannot be all things to all people." -- Ronald Reagan, 3/1/75)
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To: Cronos; Petronski; Mad Dawg

And I’m assuming that 2012 is some sort of homage shown to the Mayans.

472 posted on 10/27/2009 11:14:11 AM PDT by wagglebee ("A political party cannot be all things to all people." -- Ronald Reagan, 3/1/75)
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To: wagglebee

2013 is going to be a big year for back-tracking and webscrubbing. LOL

473 posted on 10/27/2009 11:15:48 AM PDT by Petronski (In Germany they came first for the Communists, And I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist...)
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To: Petronski

They will do what the Millerites did in the 1830s and just keep pushing back the date.

474 posted on 10/27/2009 11:29:34 AM PDT by wagglebee ("A political party cannot be all things to all people." -- Ronald Reagan, 3/1/75)
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To: wagglebee
>>> The fact that Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire DID NOT make him head of the Church. <<<

You're correct, as far as it goes. However, the fact that Constantine DID inherit the title of Pontifex Maximus DID make him head of the Roman state religion at the time. And the Roman state religion in 325 was Christianity.

>>> You can find well-documented lists of Catholic popes on the internet, NONE of them will ever list Constantine as a pope. In 325, His Holiness Sylvester I was pope. <<<

What you meant to say was that Sylvester I was the Bishop of Rome in 325, and that one of the titles used at the time to designate A leader of A Christian community was "papa" or "pope." So, of course Constantine the Great wouldn't be in a list of the bishops of Rome...but then, we're discussing the history and use of the title "P.F.", not the bishops of Rome and not the title "papa."

Pontifex Maximus wasn't adopted as a title by the Bishop of Rome until AFTER Gratian abandoned it in the fourth century. "Pontifex" and its variations weren't used to refer to the Bishop of Rome (and other bishops, by the way) until the sixth century.

My point still stands. You're being anachronistic.

475 posted on 10/27/2009 11:35:59 AM PDT by Poe White Trash (Wake up!)
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To: Petronski


476 posted on 10/27/2009 11:36:36 AM PDT by Poe White Trash (Wake up!)
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To: Poe White Trash; NYer; narses; Petronski; Mad Dawg
You're correct, as far as it goes. However, the fact that Constantine DID inherit the title of Pontifex Maximus DID make him head of the Roman state religion at the time. And the Roman state religion in 325 was Christianity.

Constantine was NEVER pope of the Catholic Church.

What you meant to say was that Sylvester I was the Bishop of Rome in 325, and that one of the titles used at the time to designate A leader of A Christian community was "papa" or "pope." So, of course Constantine the Great wouldn't be in a list of the bishops of Rome...but then, we're discussing the history and use of the title "P.F.", not the bishops of Rome and not the title "papa."

No, what I meant to say is that His Holiness Sylvester I was pope of the Catholic Church in 325. If I want your opinion of what you think I mean to say I will ask you for it.

Pontifex Maximus wasn't adopted as a title by the Bishop of Rome until AFTER Gratian abandoned it in the fourth century. "Pontifex" and its variations weren't used to refer to the Bishop of Rome (and other bishops, by the way) until the sixth century.

The papacy proceeded the title and Saint Peter's journey to Rome.

477 posted on 10/27/2009 11:40:56 AM PDT by wagglebee ("A political party cannot be all things to all people." -- Ronald Reagan, 3/1/75)
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To: Cronos

The Gospel of Brian is apocryphal?

I wonder if the store will take this DVD back.

478 posted on 10/27/2009 11:45:01 AM PDT by Mad Dawg (Oh Mary, conceived without sin: pray for us who have recourse to thee.)
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To: NYer


479 posted on 10/27/2009 11:49:42 AM PDT by dangerdoc
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To: Cronos; UriÂ’el-2012

Are you really XeniaST rerun?

480 posted on 10/27/2009 11:51:48 AM PDT by narses ("These are the days when the Christian is expected to praise every creed except his own.")
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