It stands for a commitment to follow Jesus, like Mary, the perfect model of all the disciples of Christ. This commitment finds its origin in baptism by which we become children of God.
1 posted on
07/15/2009 9:57:50 PM PDT by
To: All
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for us.
2 posted on
07/15/2009 9:58:38 PM PDT by
(With God all things are possible.)
To: Salvation
My uncle wore one of these until the day he died. All of his son’s (3) and daughter wear one still to this day. They lived across the street from Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Denver. The most devout Catholic family that I have ever known. And the “tightest” family that I have ever known!
4 posted on
07/15/2009 10:04:28 PM PDT by
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