I see you've had experience with MORMON missionaries; too!
Like many others, you missed my point. I wasn't talking about the Mormon missionaries at all. I was talking about anyone who cannot separate their personal religion and their religious group from the activities of the greater society.
I was talking about everyone who brings their personal flavor of religion into political discussions, with the results being more to divide and create chaos and confusion, rather than to unite conservatives against a common political oligarchy of collectivists.
The founders had to reject the fanatics from all religious sects in order to unite the delegations from the several colonies toward political goals. They did have their plague of religious fanatics in those days, and you can read of them in Thomas Jefferson's letters.
It is common human behavior in crisis times for individuals with fanatical beliefs to exploit larger numbers of people to enlarge their own congregation. These fanatics are tools of the enemy.
God doesn't care if people pray on one knee in an opulent chapel, or stand with a group and bray at the sky, or pray quietly in a prayer closet. Whatever method of worship people choose for themselves, it is and should be their personal choice. The customs of each church are shared and understood among their members, and perhaps not so well understood by members of other congregations.
The problems arise when the more fanatical members of any congregation go out into the greater society and insist that greater society adopt the customs and language from their personal religion, to be applied in arenas that encompass the greater society, such as politics, or accounting, or medicine, or science, or business, etc., etc.
Imagine a military mission with a team comprised of fanatics from a spattering of different religions, and each of the team members insist the mission be conducted according to the practices of their personal religious belief, rather than according to tried and proven military methods. The team would have no unity and the mission would fail.