Those numbers don't come from an Atheist group or the MSM, though I do think those numbers are exaggerated, but that's what they claim they got.
Where is this poll you are talking about?
ST. LOUIS (BP)--In the course of researching family life in America, the Southern Baptist Council on Family Life uncovered such gut-wrenching statistics that they were driven to their knees.
Among the facts they found:
-- 88 percent of the children raised in evangelical homes leave church at the age of 18, never to return.
-- The divorce ratio among members of evangelical churches is virtually the same as among non-church members.
-- In the United States, 1 million children see their parents divorce.
-- Approximately two-thirds of the members of Southern Baptist churches attend church only sporadically.
I also heard of a study which showed that evangelical young people who stop attending during college often do return once they become adults.
Anyway, it is difficult to maintain Christian beliefs and behavioral standards when the entire government education system and the media are relentlessly working to sabotage your parents' values.