The Pat. of Alexandria inaugurating the new Greek Orthodox seminary in Ghana last June.
His Grace Bishop Jeronymos of Bukoba; Greek Orthodox Bishop of Bukoba, Tanzania, 1999-Current. Ordained Deacon, Greek Orthodox Church, July 1, 1995. Ordained Priest, Greek Orthodox Church, February 1, 1996. Vicar General of Kampala, Uganda, 1996-1997. Vicar General of Bukoba, Tanzania, 1997-1999. Bishop of Bukoba, Tanzania, Greek Orthodox Church, December 11, 1999-Current.
Orthodox clergy in Indonesia
We are just about everywhere in Africa. The only places I can think of in Asia where we are not are Burma and Laos. We are in every country, I believe, in South America. Same liturgy, same religious culture...even the same vestments, Alex.
Of course, everything else remains the same. :)
I presume, drums will be greeting the Patriarch in the Holy Mountain just like they do in Ghana?