Protestant Church Insurers Handle 168 Sex Abuse Cases A Year
-did anyone notice the small print in the articles on the Rochester, NH hostage taker.........he was awarded $$ for sexual abuse from the Catholic church....... RME
>> Well, what a surprise! (not!)
I ditto that sentiment.
from the article: 52-year period, some 4,400 priests were accused of molestation
Guilty or not, we all know insurers will settle out of court, just because it is often more expedient than a protracted court battle.
Considering the millions of dollars ROME has paid out recently after actually being found guilty of such, I think you would know that.
I think the big problem in the schools today can be traced to the societal acceptance of fornication among unmarried teens/young adults. If sex between unmarried persons, of whatever gender combination, is acceptable, then what is the objection to teacher-student sex, other than personal taste? If it’s okay for a 16-year-old girl to have sex with a 17-year-old boy, what *rational* objection can there be to her engaging in sex with a 30-year-old man? Maybe she finds him much more interesting than boys her own age. (Who wouldn’t?)
Yes, it’s true that there is an unequal power relationship between a teacher and a student, but that’s true of any sexual relationship, if we’re honest. The problem can’t really be addressed in a reasonable manner without affirming chastity as the non-negotiable norm for everyone.