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To: lupie
You said: So, you admit the belief that you can become like Jesus, you can become like God. Interesting that scripture says that is the sin of Satan, that is the lie that Satan told Eve where she was deceived.

I am quite sure your post made sense to you... to bad it's not true.

Satan will tell you 99 truths to tell you one lie, so just because Satan said something does not make it a lie. The spirits Jesus cast out are calling him by name and some even admit that they know those who hold his power.
The sons of Sceva

You said: Interesting that it is by grace and grace alone that you are saved, yet your cult has said that what God Himself did was just not quite good enough, that He needs man's help for man to achieve his own salvation.

We NEVER said that.

You said: This thread is about whether or not Mormonism is Christian.

Only Jesus can know who is his, and he has set his standard, I don't think you are him, and I don't think you know, but here is Jesus' words of the subject.
Matthew 10:32-33
32 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.
33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.
I have confessed Jesus many times here on this very forum, I am content that he knows who I am, the rest of you hooligans trying to denigrate the faith of others and deny them the name of Christian, well, by their fruits ye shall know them, and your fruitiness is on display here for all to see.

You said: You just proved that it is not.

My personal beliefs will not prove anything about an entire church. I am quite positive that if I really searched, I could find a professed member of your church that flunks some other churches "Christianity test", by your logic, there are no Christians on earth, and never will be.

I cannot help but notice your question was laying a Trap that you carefully sprung, when I answered with the correct "Doctrine" you dared me to say I believed what you were pleading for someone to say yes to your little question, is that deceiving? Are you laying a trap for your brother?

Your questions and response to my answer reveals far more about you than my answer does about Mormons, I'll let he lurkers and readers decide who is behaving in a more Christlike manner.

now, let's look at your text after the scriptures that are supposed to prove what I did not say wrong (It's called a straw man argument).

The reason your cult is so desirable, the reason that it satisfies itchy ears is because it means that if a man does enough good, that he can elevate himself to the same position as God.

No man can elevate himself, What you are saying we believe is simply not true, we cannot earn Godhood, or salvation, if we receive them at all it is by the grace of God, not because you "earned it".

And that is blasphemy and heresy. It just is. Not my words, but the Word itself.

Every Christian religion at some time or another seems to call some other church's teachings heresy and blasphemy, yawn...

The God of Mormonism just simply is not the God of the bible.

I see, an "I'm right so your wrong argument"...

The scriptures make that clear over and over.

The scriptures prove me right, over and over (see how easy it is to say that, unsubstantiated assertions are like that)

Yet, man wants to make himself like God - Eve fell for it in the garden, Satan lost his position for the same type of pride.

Lets tackle this Eve, believed Satan's lie about becoming like God thing once and for all, OK?

In Genesis 3:4-5 it says:
4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
So, Satan told eve two things, 1) she would not Die and 2) she would be as the Gods knowing Good and evil.
In Genesis 3:19 It says:
19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
we see God telling Adam the he will die (return to dust)

In Genesis 3:22 it says:
22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:
Notice the part I bolded? God said Man had become "one of Us" These prove
A) That Satan lied about Dieing. B) That Satan did not lie about become as god knowing Good and evil
C) the Godhead made up of discrete, but harmonious beings is the correct interpretation of God's being.

Your house of cards comes tumbling down with this one nonexistent card removed, and worse for you, to a lurker, Mormons will seem to know their Bibles better than you do. maybe you should spend less time posting here, and more time reading it...

God Bless you and teach you his ways.
364 posted on 07/08/2007 9:00:32 AM PDT by DelphiUser ("You can lead a man to knowledge, but you can't make him think")
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To: DelphiUser
It was difficult to follow your post. But still, yes, in a previous post you did admit that it was "natural" to become like Jesus. I provided several scriptures to show that is not just "unnatural", but it is impossible and it is the sin of pride, as was Satan's that we can become like God.

I did make a mistake on my post in saying that it was the lie of Satan when it should have said one of his lies. And it is a main one. The sinful nature of man desires to be like God. Not just in knowing good and evil, but in many, many ways. And Satan preys on that prideful, sinful nature in man, to the effect that if they just do all these things, one of them even being that they say the "believe" in Jesus, that they will have eternal life. Nonetheless, it does not negate the whole point, in that man desires to be like God and that is a root of many, if not all sin.

However, as the Word says in 1 John, any teaching (spirit) that denies that God Himself, the Holy One of Israel becaome flesh to die, once and for all for our salvation is not of God. Mormononis not only denies the God of the bible by redefining who He is, not just the Father, but God the Son and even God the Holy Spirit, and then it adds to that blaspheme by saying that you have to DO things to earn your way to heaven. Your posts and others mormon apologists here have confirmed that.

Either the Almighty, One and Only God Himself has already redeemed us because we are unable, or He has not. You have said that over, and over in many forms, if not using those exact words.

Scripture makes if very clear that those who deny Him, as the Mormons do, are not of His fold. Now, there are many who claim to know Him, who do not try to redefine God, but yet in their hearts, their trust is still in themselves. But other cults, such as LDS, DO make it much easier to spot. That does not mean they aren't nice and friendly people, it just means they don't belong to His fold. His definition, not mine.

You confess a Jesus that is not of the bible. The Mormon Jesus is simply not the Jesus of scripture. I also understand that you cannot see that at this time. Perhaps some day you will.

I realize that you are trying to shoot me down. I really don't care. I am not out to "trap" anyone, but to expose what is not God's truth when it is proclaimed that it is God's Truth. I am not ashamed of the gospel, that it is Jesus Christ, the Almighty God in the flesh, who was was the fulfillment, completion of the Law so that all those who call on His name, His nature, will be saved. It isn't about me, or you or Joseph Smith or anyone else except the Lord God, Jesus Christ.

When you can address all the other scriptures that have been posted, then I would be happy to address the small issue that you have for trying to make men into godsm which seems like you just tried to deny that you said you believ. Otherwise, I really don't have the time for this. I love to discuss God's Word, but only if it is a true discussion that is edifying and exalts His Name.

380 posted on 07/08/2007 1:37:23 PM PDT by lupie
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To: DelphiUser; lupie

Delphi: “In Genesis 3:22 it says:
22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:
Notice the part I bolded? God said Man had become “one of Us” These prove
A) That Satan lied about Dieing. B) That Satan did not lie about become as god knowing Good and evil
C) the Godhead made up of discrete, but harmonious beings is the correct interpretation of God’s being.”

First of all, you need to read the Biblical passage closely because the verse says “has become AS (like) one of us in knowing good and evil”. It does not say “has become one of us”. The verse merely shows that Adam and Eve had become “AS” God only in the respect of knowing good and evil. This is because they had now brought sin into the world - prior to this they certainly knew only good.

Obviously Adam and Eve did not have all the qualities of God after eating the fruit because they now had the potential to sin - which we know is incompatible with being God.

Regarding your item c), God IS made up of discrete components as all good Trinitarians are well aware - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This does not imply that there are numerous other Gods beyond the Trinity that exists - especially prior to Adam and Eve since there were no other men in existence at the time this was spoken - let alone other Gods

388 posted on 07/08/2007 3:39:25 PM PDT by visually_augmented (I was blind, but now I see)
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To: DelphiUser
Notice the part I bolded? God said Man had become "one of Us"


Notice the part I bolded? God said Man had becomeAS "one of Us"

452 posted on 07/09/2007 12:05:34 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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