Day XXXVIII. Friday, Week V. Jesus carried our sins in his own body on the cross so that we could die to sin and live in holiness; by his wounds we have been healed (Communion antiphon for today - 1 Pt 2:24).
Santo Stefano Rotondo. Todays church was built between 400 and 450 and consecrated by Pope Simplicius. It is one of the oldest of the churches in the round, with the altar in the center. It must have been magnificent but through subsequent restorations, it has lost most of its size and splendor. Due to the present restoration, Mass was celebrated at the altar of Saints Primus and Felicianus (see photo). They were beaten, thrown to the wolves and lions, and tortured by burning them with fire and by pouring boiling fluids down their throats, before they were ultimately beheaded. One wonders how a human person can be so cruel to another. |