I pray for him every day. I remember what he said about praying that he would not run from the wolves.
I expect this document on natural law to be quite explosive. While I was in Rome, they passed a law basically declaring a gay "union" or heterosexuals who had lived together for at least one year to be the same as a married couple, in terms of their legal treatment, benefits, etc. For it to have passed, at least some ostensibly Catholic legislators must have voted for it. If what the Pope does is essentially tell them that going along with or voting for something that violates natural law means that they are incurring a sin (presumably one that results in excommunication), there's going to be a lot of commotion. The news reports that I heard said that the declaration would be binding on Catholics.
Italian gays, like those anywhere else, are bitter, disruptive and violent in their hatred of the Church and particularly of this Pope. It's not going to be fun when this document is released.
In addition, the Pope is working on another important document to do with bioethics, IIRC.
In an attempt to get back on topic, Sandro Magister wrote a column, Two New Documents in the Works: On Bioethics, and on Natural Law, about these two documents.