** The Pope wants God to remain as traditional Christianity sees him -- the God of the Crusaders, a God whose followers are on a short leash and allowed little by way of interpretation, questioning or free-thinking. A transgression of the 10 Commandments is a sin and that's all there is to it. **
The truth will prevail.
Apparently the author lives in a alternate universe where AME churches routinely used to buy used portraits of Jesus imported from Lutheran churches in Norway.
The Pope is not worried. He has a "plan", referred to in the Catholic Catechism, to bring all those Muslims into the fold by playing a little fast and loose with the facts, which never stopped a Roman Pontiff before.
No ... the people are. Just because people don't exercise their faith does not mean that God is not needed. This article is useless and just follows today's believers who only want God on thier terms.
What a crock!
that is the problem right there. because social mores descend to the gutter, wrong becomes right? i don't think so.
He talks as if there is something wrong with it.
Well, there's always Episcopaganism.
If the author things the Pope is going to bend to the fads and fashions of the day he/she/it is smoking some pretty good stuff.
Disdaining European medievals for their lack of cosmopolitan dark-hued models makes about as much sense as contemning them for not celebrating Native American culture. Does this writer complain about the scarcity of Africans and Europeans in old Chinese art?
The writer is an imbecile.
The Pope's worry, is that of a father who is not long for this world and who sees his children walking inexorably towards a precipice.
It is not the worry of a CEO who's concerned about the market for his product and ultimately, his own job security.
IOW, his worry is for others, not for himself.
Educated believers are demanding more variety, having more doubts and reworking religion to fit their own mores, lifestyles and cultures. Religion without penance -- no hair shirts, no self-flagellation? No wonder the Pope is worried.
What condescension! But she is right on one point. "Educated" believers want God made in their own image, and are deluded about the nature of reality and the powers of science. People live in their comfortable bubbles and refuse to think about the future. Europe enjoys the moment and refuses to provide for the future. Yet the apocalytic message of global warming terrifies them, I guess because this is something that might impact them in the near term. Didn't Louis XV say "Apres moi, L'deluge?"
Well I wonder how the "educated believers" will adapt to the islamic cult in the not too distant future?
And when that happens will chr*stianity become politically correct, or will liberals turn on the Third Worlders whose primitive beliefs they've defended and apologized for for so long?
Maybe their heads wille explode as they try to figure it out. Sounds like a "Captain Kirk" moment to me!
I don't know what Christ looked like, but this author does not know their Bible. Christ came into the flesh via two tribes Judah, the 'king' line and Levi the 'priest' line.
Genesis 49:1 And Jacob/Israel called unto his sons, and said, "Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the LAST days."
v3 Reuben....
v5 Simeon and Levi...
v8 Judah....
v13 Zebulum.....
v14 Issachar....
v16 Dan....
V19 Gad....
V21 Naphtali....
v22 Joseph (double blessing in Ephraim and Manasseh
v27 Benjamin...
Now Luke tells us that Mary the mother of Christ was from the tribe of Judah, King David and the tribe of Levi. These tribes still exist to this day even though the majority still to this day do not not who they are as foretold by the Prophets.
According to Ms. Erbe, we here in the west are so smart and technologically advanced, that we have outgrown the medieval, "Eurocentric" notion of God that poor, benighted Benedict XVI is trying to impose on us. What Erbe doesn't realize is that long after she and her writings have been forgotten, long after her opinions on religion have been discredited, the Catholic Church will be going strong. If the gates of hell cannot prevail against us, the mindless rantings of would-be theologians such as Erbe certainly won't be able to.