"Allah" is the word for a single monotheistic God, just like the English word "God."
If we can translate it so could they, but they don't.
It's translated to "Allah", also many of the lesser Hebrew and Aramaic names of God ("The Truth" "The First and the Last") have direct cognates in Qur'anic Arabic.
allah is not the word for a single monotheistic God. If that was the case, how would muhammed's PAGAN FATHER have a last name - abdallah which means slave of god? Pagan Arabs used that word long before there was even a muhammed. There is no way in hell that allah is a translation of the word Yahweh, no way. check out wikipedia -
It's a generic word meaning "the god". One of allah's daughters was named "allat" which means "the goddess". Allah = Alaha = Elaha = Eloah. A generic title for a deity. To this day I have yet to see the name Yahweh translated into Arabic.