"or a righteous work people try to do to earn salvation or God's favor".
I have seen this where it become a little clik with the pastor and others in church where you get invited to the pastors bbq's the elders Christmas party, ect. I believe that one should not muzzle the ox either, yet I have seen pastors driving new cars and vans and each of their children going to private schools and having the best of everything and I've seen people barley getting by because of the Mal 3 weekly beatings. I've seen churches that were doing fine and then deciding for add on or a new this or new that for the church and people signing pledge cards and life happens and pledges not met and you can figure the rest of the story out for yourself. I personally would rather go to a house church small intimate where needs are discussed and needs are met and this usually happens between the people in the fellowship. This is the closest I have ever cam to where two or more are gathered in my Name I will be there!
I always find it interesting that many churches that do not emphasize the literalness of scripture always feel it is literal when it comes to verses about giving money.