I was not aware the UCC was bashing the evangelical churches. Is this a case of jealousy? Or are the mainliners hoping that by bashing the evangelicals that the evangelicals will crumble like they are?
Is this a case of jealousy? Or are the mainliners hoping that by bashing the evangelicals that the evangelicals will crumble like they are?
I think that the UCC figures it has nothing to lose. They are trying to set themselves apart as the "thinking Christians" for everyone KNOWS that evangelicals don't think, that they're shallow and that they are easily led.
This is their Still Speaking initiative which makes it clear that they are NOT the NeoNazi churches that the rest of Christianity enjoys.
Funny. My experience with the UCC is that they were often liberal racists. The had a difficult time with our multiracial family and our evangelical faith. In the evangelical church we are pastored by Chinese and Spanish speaking peoples with a very diverse congregation.