If you do you are required to think the Catholic Church officially teaches Heresy because, as I posted, the Catholic Teach Officially Teaches the Jews are NOT cursed as a Race.
Which is it, sister? Are the Jews cursed as a race and does the Catholic Church Teach error at Ecumenical Councils or is the sspx teaching heresy?
You can't have it both ways
Oh, that's precious. Let me try that.
Are you on Abe Foxman's payroll or do you deny the doctrine of EENS?
In all seriousness I can't even be angered by your baseless calculated accusations meant to inflame the sensibilities of others. It would make as much sense as getting angry at the rantings of a schizophrenic off his medication.
I do continue to offer you my pity and prayers.
Through the intercession of St. Dymphna may Our Lord shower you with graces. God Bless.