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Following are a list of dreams and visions from this week's update at Bill Somers' site:

A King Will Arise

Stephen Hanson

Nov. 24, 2004

"The king will do as he pleases. He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheard of things against the God of gods. Dan. 11:35

He will attack the mightiest fortresses with the help of a foreign god and will greatly honor those who acknowledge him. He will make them rulers over many people and will distribute the land at a price. " Dan. 11: 39 "He will also invade the beautiful Land. " 11: 41

“I tell you that the day is coming when men will look to the sky and wonder where their hope is coming from. For the days are hastening forward to my soon return. There are new developments that are coming to the promised land area. For as I have said, with the passing of Yassar Arafat, new things are coming. For he had a policy to gain possession of Palestine’s land. For his era has ended and with it, many things will be left behind. But what things will be new developments? What leaders will come to the land and propose their new polices? I tell you that a leader will arise, and it will not be long before he is upon the scene. He will take all things unto himself. He will be a military leader like no one before. He will lift himself up and set himself up on the highest place. The faith of his predecessors he will leave behind. He will desecrate the holy places. He will invade many lands but in the beginning he will promise peace, but peace will be far from his campaign. He will invade the promised land and will promise many his favor. "

"These days will come and you will know of them in the near future."

Stephen Hanson

921 posted on 12/08/2004 5:06:44 PM PST by Quix (5having a form of godliness but denying its power. I TIM 3:5)
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To: Quix

I Have Much To Teach My People

Stephen Hanson

Nov. 27, 2004

(This prophetic word that is a "teaching word." There are issues and questions that we all have concerning the prophetic and the many words that we are hearing and reading about in this hour. We have questions about prophets. We have questions about when the Lord will return for His church. Through this word below, I believe that God is wanting to answer some of these questions of ours. We perhaps have set ideas and concepts that we have carried with us for quite awhile concerning some of these things. May we be open to hear what the Spirit is wanting to tell us and teach us in this hour. May we go onto maturity and onto solid food rather than continuing to be satisfied with just milk. )

"Now, brothers about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, 'Peace and safety.' destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape." 1 Thess. 5:1-3

"We have much to say about this, but is hard to explain because you are slow to learn. In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God's word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil." Heb. 5:1-14

MT 24:32 "Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. [33] Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door. [34] I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. [35] Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

"Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers, not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by some prophecy, report or letter supposed to have come from us, saying that the day of the Lord has already come." 2 Thess. 2:12

“What if anything, can be done to avert the events that are to come upon this earth? Can anything be done to change the prophetic time table? Is prophecy conditional or is it written down so that nothing can keep it from happening as it was predicted? I tell you that my word is infallible and nothing can keep it from happening as it has been predicted. But those that speak for Me are not infallible. The word that they speak, while coming from Me, can be averted. This means that through the prayers of the saints events are conditional. This means that circumstances are conditional upon the heart conditions of people. A message may have many ways of being understood. There is more than one level to a prophetic word. Look to my word and the message that was given to the seven churches. The apostle John was given a message to the seven churches that were present at that time in history. But these churches also represent spiritual conditions. On an even deeper level, these seven churches also speak to individuals. Are you lukewarm as a believer or is there an open door waiting for you in your life? There have been many abuses of the prophetic word that has been given to individuals. But I tell you, there have also been many abuses from those who have not received the prophetic words that have been given. You are not to be as children any more. You are to grow up unto the head which is my Son, Christ Jesus. Let there not be many disputes among you. While it is good to test the words that are given, it is not good to analyze things to death. It is good to test the message, but it is not good to harangue the individual. Be as mature men and women and not as babes in your understanding. Broaden your views of prophecy. Develop an intimate relationship with Me and my word, and then you will be better able to judge these things. I have said that there are dark things coming upon the earth. These things are written down in my word. I have said when they say, 'Peace, peace, then sudden destruction will come upon them. ' I tell you to be aware when people say these things. The purpose of many of the warnings that I have sent out is not to instill fear in my people, but to prepare them and to warn them for what is to come. These are the last days that are mentioned in my word. Do not try to figure out the days or the months, or even the year that I am to come back. I have said that of that season you will have no need for anyone to tell you about it, for it will be plain to your eyes. I have also said that when the fig tree's leaves become tender then you know that the time is near. I tell you that this generation began with the birth of Israel as a nation in 1967. A generation lasts for forty years. I have also said that one year is as a thousand years with Me. So, having said this, you know that the time is very near. Do not try and figure out the exact times and dates, but be ready; for you know not what time your bridegroom will return. Listen to my apostles and prophets. Compare what they have to say with what is in my word. Do not become stirred-up by certain prophecies, but weigh them and seek a balanced approach. There is much that my church still has to learn. I will continue to warn and to teach my people, but you must be as mature men and women and not babes. "

Stephen Hanson

922 posted on 12/08/2004 5:10:42 PM PST by Quix (5having a form of godliness but denying its power. I TIM 3:5)
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To: Quix

I Will Shed My Light

Stephen Hanson

ISA 30:10 They say to the seers, "See no more visions!" and to the prophets, "Give us no more

visions of what is right! Tell us pleasant things, prophesy illusions.

AM 3:7 Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.

Dec. 4, 2004

“The messages that have been sent out lately in this hour, have centered around many things. But I tell you that my spirit is raising the level. My spirit is bringing prophetic words to a new level. You will see these messages come to life. For there is a new breed of prophets in this hour. They will speak not what the public wants to hear, but they will speak what I will give to them. These words will speak to specific times and instances. They will cut to the quick. They will cut to the division of soul and spirit. For I will reveal things that have been hidden. I will bring to light those things that have been hidden in secret. No longer will there be a doubt about what I am doing. For you will see my light being shed upon the events that are taking place around you. These are the times that are leading up to my return. “

Stephen Hanson

923 posted on 12/08/2004 5:11:28 PM PST by Quix (5having a form of godliness but denying its power. I TIM 3:5)
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To: Quix
A Vision In The Office

Jerry Golden

Tuesday, June 01, 2004 –

HERE for website link:

It was 2:30 AM and I couldn't sleep, so I decided to go downstairs to my office and see if I could write an article on some things that had been on my mind. My mind however just drew a blank, so I decided to lie for a while on the couch in the office. It was then that I begin to hear from the voice I know so well. But before sharing it with you I should warn you that most of it might sound like an over active imagination of one who stays on top of current events around the world. In fact, God and I have had a serious conversation over if I should say this was a vision. But God has clearly instructed me to tell others what I have seen, so here it is, you are the judge.

God spoke to me and said I have found your heart and efforts pleasing but you still have much to learn and I will teach you many things about my Church. The time is very near when panic and chaos will grip the hearts of men and many will die from the fear of what they are seeing. The things you are about to see are for you to tell those who will listen.

It was a Mall, where I am not sure but there were dead and wounded bodies scattered over a large area and as soon as I saw this I was in a different place looking down on a large gathering of a sporting event. Many were already dead and others were gasping for their breath and dying even as I looked at them. One man spoke to me, saying they have already destroyed our economy by cutting off the oil, now they want to kill all of us.

I thought I'd keep seeing this type of disaster but to my surprise I found myself in a Church, judging from the interior and the looks and sounds I thought it must be a Baptist Church. As I sit there in the presence of God unable to speak I heard the Pastor give a short glib standard salvation message, and I watched the people who were frightened and unable to understand why all this was happening to them.

Many were destitute without food and no way to purchase any. One man interrupted the Pastor and said why haven't you prepared us, why haven't you warned us? The Pastor begins to cry and the people got up and left him standing behind the pulpit. It was then I noticed an amazing thing, the Pastor fell to the floor and he was dead.

Then we were in a city center and I watched as people were looting and screaming obscenities at each other. Some were shooting and arm robbing the ones that had just stolen the goods from the store just moments before. I looked at the Bank and it was closed and people were trying to get in but the doors were locked.

There were military troops on the streets of the larger cities and they were shooting people with impunity, no one could believe what was happening. As they ran almost aimlessly in pure panic, we followed one man to his home. He greeted his wife and two small children with, I didn't do any good, and I don't know what we are going to do now.

He sits and turned on the TV and the news about Israel was on. Israel was under heavy attack and they had already destroyed Damascus. It was believed that many missiles were on the way from Iran. Egypt had launched a full-scale attack and it was feared that Syria had launched missiles with chemical and biological warheads.

I turned to God and said you promised that Israel will not be destroyed again, but He reminded me that it wasn’t the end of the story and to wait and see His Word come to pass. Looking back at the TV it showed how suicide bombers had killed many all over the country and everyone was frightened to the point of not knowing where to turn for help.

It was then God showed me Believers who had bonded together and had a Pastor who had prepared them, their love for each other was obvious and many were coming to them for help. But even more important many were being drawn to them as their love was a witness for Yeshua.

I ask God why more Pastors hasn't prepared the Believers, and He told me that they have been desensitized by Y2K and felt they couldn't tell them to prepare again.

But those Pastors who knew to prepare their congregations and did not will wish they had never knew Me; I will tell them I never knew them. It was then God said to me, "only those who truly know Me would overcome and witness My great salvation, for all Temporal things will perish but those born of the Spirit will see Eternal Life." I then ask God what would He have me to do? God told me then, that I was to continue on the task set before me and not to look back, that many would be saved.

End of Vision, like I said you be the judge.


Jerry Golden

924 posted on 12/08/2004 5:20:50 PM PST by Quix (5having a form of godliness but denying its power. I TIM 3:5)
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To: Quix
A Visitation Is Nearing

This morning, before dawn it was so weird around here. I have been dreaming stuff and the Lord started to explain what I had just dream even within the dream. The presence of the Lord was strong and peaceful. Then when I awoke as I opened my eyes I could see the from my bedroom door opened, that the dinning room was full of tiny little white lights, and I mean thousands of them all over on the wall that I could see from where I was. They looked like the tiny Christmas tree lights but there was also like a wood structure of some sort with narrow wood planks crossing here and there. I did not have the full view since I was still on my bed. The lights dimmed and the vision disappeared and I said to the Lord "Now that was so nice I wish I just could have seen more of it " and Presto! It all lighted up again and I was looking at it. It stayed on for a while but I had no desire to get up and walk into the dinning room.

For some reason I was peaceful and content to see as I was shown and no had no curiosity to pursue the matter any further, so I just looked into the corner that I was being shown and listened as He spoke . The wood structure was of a deep dark color similar to black. It was covered in some places under the lights that could not be seen, as when one plants a vine or any other creeping plant and places this sort of things for it to grow and crawl on it. Some parts you see it some parts you don’t.

I continued praying then I heard a phone ring as if it would have been in my bedroom but the ring was not of my phone. It was exactly at 5:59 because the Lord told me to look at the clock. 5 through grace, 50 a deliverance and 9 in the fullness of the Spirit, in all fruitfulness of His gift, as He is a gift to us purchased through blood to allow us to receive Him, He is the very womb of God from which His Sons shall emerge volunteering in the day of His power.

This is as far I can receive from this now, I felt sadness and peace. His love was the foundation of all of it. I feel that a visitation is nearing to us. A visitation of His glory. As the Lord showed His glory to the children of Israel at the inauguration of the Aharonic priesthood (*Lev 9:23), so it will be when the sons of God near their day for they are priests to Him.

In one of the dreams I was visiting a believer, and she shied from me fearing that I was bringing a hard word. Later on she came near and asked me what it was all about, I kept quiet. Then she continued to speak confessing that fear had kept her from nearing to hear. There was much sadness in my heart because I had been sent with a word of hope and blessing and encouragement, but she was not able to receive it because of fear. When she confessed that to me, the time to give the word was gone. I only answered, Now you would not know. If only you would have known, but its OK, I guess that is the way we tend to react."

It was not about qualifying or not, she was not disqualified, just an opportunity that was very much missed. It was about a love that in blindness finds itself still captive of fear living its punishment. But that is not love since from its root it lacks the sure foundation, for we love not in or from ourselves, but because He first loved us. If our hearts receive His love as He gives it to us, then we will find love with which to love Him back and love each other and no fear will be able to hinder the resolve of His love in us.

The Lord longs to Emmanuel and live with and among us. That is what He is still seeking but few open their dwelling place unto Him. When He declares in His word that He does not change He is Truthful. He has not changed at all. He longed to dwell among Israel. They could have been known as the people among whom God dwelt but fear kept them and they asked Moses to listen to God and stand before God for them.

Now He comes and seeks exactly the same. Who will answer? Who will say here I am and listen? [It] is not about what to do but about standing still and seeing His deliverance, of us first from our own delusions and fleshly mindsets. It is about what He can do with the obedience and trust of man when He dwells in their midst. Yeshua came and lived among us doing many things even though very few trusted then, but when the Son of Man comes back will He find faith? Have we learned the lesson better than those before us? Will the heart of His Bride find its perfection?

Like the little girl that ceases from childhood and finds her first impressions of love is enamored of it, but she must one day leave that stage and find how true love is and even what true love is. For the love of God consist not in that we have loved Him but that He loved us first and that was manifested in action giving His very life, His only begotten and what should love be in and among us, if it doesn't translate in that laying of our lives for one another unto Him then we do not have Him at all. A time of silence is to come to awaken love in which love will be revealed in its true nature as with fire, because glory is found manifest through the ashes (of things revealed) since His glory He does not share with flesh.



A voice says, "Proclaim!"

And I answer, "What should I proclaim?"

"All humanity is merely grass,

all its kindness like wildflowers:

the grass dries up, the flower fades,

when a wind from Adonai blows on it.

Surely the people are grass!

The grass dries up, the flower fades,

but the word of our G-d will stand for ever."

Isaiah 40:6-8

* Aharon raised his hands toward the people, blessed them and came down from offering the sin offering, the burnt offering and the peace offerings. Moshe and Aharon entered the tent of meeting, came out, and blessed the people. Then the glory of Adonai appeared to all the people! Fire came forth from the presence of Adonai consuming the burnt offering and the fat on the altar When all the people saw it, they shouted and fell on their faces.

Leviticus 9:22-24

Luz Cintron

925 posted on 12/08/2004 5:34:43 PM PST by Quix (5having a form of godliness but denying its power. I TIM 3:5)
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To: Quix; All
Earthquake Vision

Susan Cummings

11-27-04 -Prophetic Experience/Vision

Earthquake Vision:

Just after midnight, I had a very profound and unsettling experience. I will attempt to write it out so that everyone can clearly understand it.

I am lying in bed, and am dreaming. The power of God begins to hit me very strongly and the lightning begins to crack through me. I am jerking strongly and my husband attempts to sleep through this….sorry honey……smile….. this was a very strong and real experience, and I was crying out in the experience, my husband said I moaned through it….. there is truly great changes coming to us.

There was so much happening at once in the experience, but I will break it down into each thing, so that each will be clear, but not all occurred separately, but most was all at one time or so close together that it was hard to tell what occurred first or next.

I enter the vision:

I am standing and underneath my feet, the ground below, begins to sink. It is a sudden violent sinking feeling, like the bottom of the earth is falling or caving in. Everything under your feet sinks while a bright light suddenly flashes all around and a “click” sound in the spirit. This “click” is a dull click sound like a light switch was turned on, and it signaled something, while the flash occurred and exploded in a great light all around us.

Then, this great roar began to slowly grow and increase as the falling ground gave way to a shaking from up and down, to side to side, at the same time. It seemed like the earth is coming apart. The earth violently quakes and breaks up all around. The side to side motion, the up and down, and now forwards and backwards motion.

The land breaks open as it is sinking underneath and quaking in all directions. The middle of the USA breaks open, and splits down the middle, as I stand there, the land masses move. I understand in the vision, that I am not harmed as I watch this, and God’s people will not be harmed either, but multitudes will perish in this sudden, great, explosive quake.

There was no warning. Just the sinking ground, the light, the “click”, and the then explosion into a huge quake. The USA is split apart, and the dividing and the exposing the heartland of the land, the heart of America. The land masses and the topography are altered. There is a great silence afterwards. All is quiet.

I did not know where I was standing in the middle of the US, as this experience happened, nor was I told when it would occur, only that it would, and that the heart was being torn open and exposed, and divided.

There was about a 45 minute time period in this experience.

Some scriptures I looked up afterwards were:

Proverbs 1 + 2

Isaiah 1+ 2

Isaiah 24

Jeremiah 4:22-26

Daniel 12


This experience is in no way declaring a definite, irreversible event, or releasing it as such, as the Lord has only told me to share it as it occurred and as He showed me. We all need to seek the Lord for our part in this, and for His Wisdom and Will for the days ahead.

I pray that we can avoid this great loss of life and catastrophic event, but I also pray to embrace His Will, and for His Purposes to be established in the earth. May all men seek Him, and draw near while our time of grace is given to us.

-Susan Cummings


12:45 am

Cummings Family Adventures link



926 posted on 12/08/2004 5:41:56 PM PST by Quix (5having a form of godliness but denying its power. I TIM 3:5)
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To: backhoe; Bennett46; betsyross60; BlessedBeGod; Brad's Gramma; DeweyCA; fortheDeclaration; ...
[QUIX: This fits for me. It's interesting that they were accurate about Arafart being in the hospital 2-3 years beforehand. I have felt the oil thing was coming in Israel but didn't know what the hold-up in God's timing was. Now, it seems clear that at the right time, it will generate the mass exodus of Jews from the USA to fight for Israel. That fits. I think the Baltimore thing will be another timing benchmark for us to know that this is going to come to pass.


Godly Dream

Leslie Johnson

Godly Dream, Arafat/Oil Israel/ Baltimore/ Palestinian State/Jews Fight For Land by Leslie Johnson

forwarded by Jonathan Zehr" Dear Saints,

This word just came in thanks to a fellow Christian keeping us abreast to it, and I am sending it out asap! Here is a prophetic word that it appears to me is vital--I have noticed if I put urgent on the front of the subject it tends to hold the e-mail up for going forth so until I can get my new e-mail service I must apparently play the game of whatever with this e-mail I am using now/Juno... because right now Arafat is in the Hospital! And there can be a chain of events to soon follow if this is a correct word from God and it appears to be.

Also, I ponder if Baltimore means that an attack could hit our Baltimore where a lot of Jews are and cause them, almost force them to consider moving to Israel? We knew these things were coming... Is this it? Is this one of the places where the terrorists will try to attack? We do know New York is an area to be hit by Terrorists it appears...

Either way the below dream within a dream I think is vital to what is happening right now! Read it carefully and pray and think!

In Our Lord Jesus, s.r.

Arafat in Hospital Dream 04/15, 2002

I dreamt I saw Mary Gene Stephens at a meeting. Mary Gene is Hayseed Stephens wife [Hayseed Stephens went home to be with the Lord Jesus a couple of years ago, but his seed is running the company now, his son!].

Hayseed is the man God told that the largest oilfield in the world is located at the Southwest end of the Dead Sea. Mary Gene was not scheduled to speak and minister but we had ministered together at the Perfect Touch Women's Conference and I asked her to minister with me. We ministered to many people. While we were ministering, Mary Gene got a call from Hayseed. He said, "Mary Gene you need to get home. War is about to break out here in Israel."

She came over to me and told me what Hayseed said and then left to go home.

That night after the meeting, I saw myself sleeping. I had a dream within a dream.

I saw a news report on television that announced that Israel had given the Palestinians a State.

I heard the Lord say, "You must tell everyone that oil is going to come forth soon. It will cause the Jewish people to fight back for their land."

Then I heard the Lord say, "Let Baltimore know."

I knew this could very easily start a global war. I keep asking the Lord, 'Why Baltimore?' When I awoke from the second dream.

In my first dream, I began to tell Stan what the Lord had said. Stan said, "Leslie, there are people we must tell."

We met a man that was in a high position having both power and knowledge concerning what was truly going on in Israel.

As I began to tell this man my dream, I said, "For some reason we are to tell Baltimore." I asked him, "Why Baltimore"

He said, "Because there are a lot of Jewish people who live in Baltimore."

I said to him, "Stan and I will be in Baltimore in a couple of months to do a Crusade."

There were about eight of us that were discussing my dream. We needed to find a place to talk. The man told us to follow him. Everyone was eager to find out more about this dream. We all walked through what looked like an airport waiting area. As I walked through, I noticed a lot of Jewish people. I could tell by the way they were talking and visiting. As I passed by one woman, I noticed she was reading a small newspaper like the Jerusalem Post. I was drawn to what she was saying. I heard her say with an accent, "Arafat is in the hospital."

She did not say why. However, she was happy to hear he was in the hospital.

We made our way through the crowd into a small room used for an office. Inside this small room was a woman already sitting in there. She was an older woman and would not get up to let us meet privately. However, as we began to talk and visit she would say, "Huh, Huh"

We just decided that she couldn't hear very well so we just let her sit there and went on with our meeting.

We shut the small sliding door behind us. The man that we followed into the room said, "Don't worry about the people outside the waiting room. Even if they can hear us they will not understand and think what we are saying is foolishness anyway. We have so much more information than they do and a deeper understanding of what is really going on, that they will not pay us any attention."

Once inside, this man with high connections in Israel said, "All right Leslie, tell me your dream."

I told him that Israel will give the Palestinians a State, but it will be a temporary arrangement to give the Jews enough time to regroup and get their armed forces prepared. I told him Oil will come forth quickly. The discovery of large amounts of oil will make all the Jewish people willing to fight for their land. It will lead to a major war, almost like the whole world will get involved in this war. I will include many countries.

I awoke and told Stan the dream. I believe the Lord has given me some revelation about it.

The scary thing for me is that in a way the Lord has put a time on this dream. I believe one of the ways to know when this will happen is the key word, Baltimore. We go to Baltimore for a Crusade in 06/21-25, 2002.

However, in my dream I remember thinking it was the first part of 2003 and Baltimore was in a couple of months like the 2nd or 3rd month. I am not sure of the timing other than I know we go to Baltimore in the sixth month. I am not sure it was talking about us going to Baltimore in 06/of 2002 or some other future event.

Another event that could signal it is near will be if Arafat goes into the hospital and especially if the Jews give the Palestinians a State.

The older woman in the room who had a hearing problem, represents the church. There will be many, including Christians who will be thrilled with the Israeli's giving the Arabs, the Moslems a declared State. They will think, 'Yea! Finally peace!'

The people in the outside waiting room area who didn't care or understand the significance of what we were saying represents the world. People of the world do not want to hear the warning. They don't want to hear the truth. They just want to have fun. Peace will only be a smoke screen and only for a short time.

Oil will spring forth and cause the Jews from around the world to return and fight for their land.

In that Hayseed and Mary Gene Stephens were both in the dream means that Hayseed is about to discover a massive oil field in Israel.

Also, the more we pray and seek the Lord, I believe He will give us more revelation.

Order of Events 1. Ministering 2. About to be war in Israel 3. Tell Baltimore 4. Arafat in hospital 5. Palestinians given a State 6. Oil found in Israel 7. Jews home to fight for land

928 posted on 12/08/2004 6:04:33 PM PST by Quix (5having a form of godliness but denying its power. I TIM 3:5)
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