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To: backhoe; Bennett46; betsyross60; BlessedBeGod; Brad's Gramma; DeweyCA; fortheDeclaration; ...
[QUIX: This fits for me. It's interesting that they were accurate about Arafart being in the hospital 2-3 years beforehand. I have felt the oil thing was coming in Israel but didn't know what the hold-up in God's timing was. Now, it seems clear that at the right time, it will generate the mass exodus of Jews from the USA to fight for Israel. That fits. I think the Baltimore thing will be another timing benchmark for us to know that this is going to come to pass.


Godly Dream

Leslie Johnson

Godly Dream, Arafat/Oil Israel/ Baltimore/ Palestinian State/Jews Fight For Land by Leslie Johnson

forwarded by Jonathan Zehr" Dear Saints,

This word just came in thanks to a fellow Christian keeping us abreast to it, and I am sending it out asap! Here is a prophetic word that it appears to me is vital--I have noticed if I put urgent on the front of the subject it tends to hold the e-mail up for going forth so until I can get my new e-mail service I must apparently play the game of whatever with this e-mail I am using now/Juno... because right now Arafat is in the Hospital! And there can be a chain of events to soon follow if this is a correct word from God and it appears to be.

Also, I ponder if Baltimore means that an attack could hit our Baltimore where a lot of Jews are and cause them, almost force them to consider moving to Israel? We knew these things were coming... Is this it? Is this one of the places where the terrorists will try to attack? We do know New York is an area to be hit by Terrorists it appears...

Either way the below dream within a dream I think is vital to what is happening right now! Read it carefully and pray and think!

In Our Lord Jesus, s.r.

Arafat in Hospital Dream 04/15, 2002

I dreamt I saw Mary Gene Stephens at a meeting. Mary Gene is Hayseed Stephens wife [Hayseed Stephens went home to be with the Lord Jesus a couple of years ago, but his seed is running the company now, his son!].

Hayseed is the man God told that the largest oilfield in the world is located at the Southwest end of the Dead Sea. Mary Gene was not scheduled to speak and minister but we had ministered together at the Perfect Touch Women's Conference and I asked her to minister with me. We ministered to many people. While we were ministering, Mary Gene got a call from Hayseed. He said, "Mary Gene you need to get home. War is about to break out here in Israel."

She came over to me and told me what Hayseed said and then left to go home.

That night after the meeting, I saw myself sleeping. I had a dream within a dream.

I saw a news report on television that announced that Israel had given the Palestinians a State.

I heard the Lord say, "You must tell everyone that oil is going to come forth soon. It will cause the Jewish people to fight back for their land."

Then I heard the Lord say, "Let Baltimore know."

I knew this could very easily start a global war. I keep asking the Lord, 'Why Baltimore?' When I awoke from the second dream.

In my first dream, I began to tell Stan what the Lord had said. Stan said, "Leslie, there are people we must tell."

We met a man that was in a high position having both power and knowledge concerning what was truly going on in Israel.

As I began to tell this man my dream, I said, "For some reason we are to tell Baltimore." I asked him, "Why Baltimore"

He said, "Because there are a lot of Jewish people who live in Baltimore."

I said to him, "Stan and I will be in Baltimore in a couple of months to do a Crusade."

There were about eight of us that were discussing my dream. We needed to find a place to talk. The man told us to follow him. Everyone was eager to find out more about this dream. We all walked through what looked like an airport waiting area. As I walked through, I noticed a lot of Jewish people. I could tell by the way they were talking and visiting. As I passed by one woman, I noticed she was reading a small newspaper like the Jerusalem Post. I was drawn to what she was saying. I heard her say with an accent, "Arafat is in the hospital."

She did not say why. However, she was happy to hear he was in the hospital.

We made our way through the crowd into a small room used for an office. Inside this small room was a woman already sitting in there. She was an older woman and would not get up to let us meet privately. However, as we began to talk and visit she would say, "Huh, Huh"

We just decided that she couldn't hear very well so we just let her sit there and went on with our meeting.

We shut the small sliding door behind us. The man that we followed into the room said, "Don't worry about the people outside the waiting room. Even if they can hear us they will not understand and think what we are saying is foolishness anyway. We have so much more information than they do and a deeper understanding of what is really going on, that they will not pay us any attention."

Once inside, this man with high connections in Israel said, "All right Leslie, tell me your dream."

I told him that Israel will give the Palestinians a State, but it will be a temporary arrangement to give the Jews enough time to regroup and get their armed forces prepared. I told him Oil will come forth quickly. The discovery of large amounts of oil will make all the Jewish people willing to fight for their land. It will lead to a major war, almost like the whole world will get involved in this war. I will include many countries.

I awoke and told Stan the dream. I believe the Lord has given me some revelation about it.

The scary thing for me is that in a way the Lord has put a time on this dream. I believe one of the ways to know when this will happen is the key word, Baltimore. We go to Baltimore for a Crusade in 06/21-25, 2002.

However, in my dream I remember thinking it was the first part of 2003 and Baltimore was in a couple of months like the 2nd or 3rd month. I am not sure of the timing other than I know we go to Baltimore in the sixth month. I am not sure it was talking about us going to Baltimore in 06/of 2002 or some other future event.

Another event that could signal it is near will be if Arafat goes into the hospital and especially if the Jews give the Palestinians a State.

The older woman in the room who had a hearing problem, represents the church. There will be many, including Christians who will be thrilled with the Israeli's giving the Arabs, the Moslems a declared State. They will think, 'Yea! Finally peace!'

The people in the outside waiting room area who didn't care or understand the significance of what we were saying represents the world. People of the world do not want to hear the warning. They don't want to hear the truth. They just want to have fun. Peace will only be a smoke screen and only for a short time.

Oil will spring forth and cause the Jews from around the world to return and fight for their land.

In that Hayseed and Mary Gene Stephens were both in the dream means that Hayseed is about to discover a massive oil field in Israel.

Also, the more we pray and seek the Lord, I believe He will give us more revelation.

Order of Events 1. Ministering 2. About to be war in Israel 3. Tell Baltimore 4. Arafat in hospital 5. Palestinians given a State 6. Oil found in Israel 7. Jews home to fight for land

928 posted on 12/08/2004 6:04:33 PM PST by Quix (5having a form of godliness but denying its power. I TIM 3:5)
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To: Quix; Alamo-Girl

Angel-Gal--ping to the above one and this one:

Mighty Men Of War

Yolanda Ballard


Nov 28, 2004

Resume the responsibility of a watchman. Watch and pray and then ask of Me the petitions that you desire of Me. For when you ask, you are letting Me know that you care about the situations that you are facing concerning the brethren. A good watchman not only cares about himself, but he cares about all that concerns the body of Christ. In these latter times I will be raising up many who will be acting the part of a watchman, but really they are taking on the call of an intercessor who is seasoned for war on behalf of those who I gave My life for.

Reach out and ask of Me the details of the intercession you are to take in pulling down the strongholds that are effecting My people. So many don't know how to war for themselves and need those who will stand in the gap and roar on their behalf. Yes, when you roar, you are letting out mighty power of My love that repels the powers of darkness so that many can receive My love. So many are so bound with deception that they don't even know that they are bound in chains and fetters. And I need those who will stand up and say to the enemy that this is as far as you go. I command you to let God's people go.

Reach out to Me and pray and I will give you the details that you are to follow. You aren't on your own in this battle for I AM your Captain in chief, and I AM leading you on in the fight for freedom, not only for your own life but for those of the multitudes who I will raise up as mighty warriors of worship. Yes, I have an army who is now in chains who will be loosed and turn on the enemy, because they know how it is to be bound, and they will be full of compassion, and will not stop warring until they know in their hearts that they have conquered the land.

So, I want you to rejoice and know that your travail is not in vain those who have been giving birth to My will. I know it has been long and heavy, and the transition period you felt totally out of control, but you have held on to your faith in My word and promises and have not let go of them. I want you to rejoice, and know that you are at the edge of a mighty breakthrough. Don't give up hope.

Don't look at circumstances stating that things are growing worse and that you have lost the fight. Don't believe the lies. Stand behind your shield of faith and wave your sword against the enemy, and use your lance of intercession on behalf of your brethren. Believe the nations are your inheritance because they are sealed with My blood. Escape the clutch of the evil one and run the race freely. Let out a mighty shout of victory for you will prevail, says your God.

929 posted on 12/08/2004 6:08:00 PM PST by Quix (5having a form of godliness but denying its power. I TIM 3:5)
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To: Quix

THIS posting includes the last of the DREAMS/VISIONS/PROPHECIES from the latest BILL SOMERS' site's update for this week:

Smooth Sailing Ahead

Mary Clark

(A Prophetic Exhortation)

December 5, 2004

I want you to know, beloved, that there is smooth sailing ahead for one who identifies with My cause – smooth sailing.

Let Me tell you about My plans. Let Me open the eyes of your understanding to some wonderful truths: I, the living God, have made a way for you to walk in a rich discovery of My truth, and what I have planned for you. I want you to know that the hour is upon you when you will see My glory firsthand, walk in it in power and strength, and be living testimonies of the wonders of the living God, as He explodes into your presence and brings new understanding to your heart. I am equipping you to move forward with ease. I am equipping you to see My glory from a front-row seat and participate in all that I have planned. Yes! Audience participation is mandatory. Audience participation will enable Me to show clearly that your Lord God Almighty is ALIVE in this day, and is presenting His heart to all who will receive.

I am telling you, beloved, that smooth sailing is ahead, because I have made it possible. I am telling you that I have spoken My truth in your hearing, and it will be performed mightily according to My will – according to My promises.

Changes are looming ahead for the world-seekers. Changes that will not bring pleasure to their hearts! But to those who trust in the Almighty God, changes will come that will delight. Let Me compound that statement by telling you this: Changes are coming the way of My children that will thrill you deep within your hearts, offer you a wonderful new day, and entitle you to walk in a new understanding of Who your God is and what He has planned for you in this hour.

So don’t be surprised when you see wonderful things occur, because I have told you thus. I have told you, and My words live on forever. Yes, beloved, wonderful things are in the offing for those who offer their serving hearts to Me, and they will live on forever. For I am a God Who does all things well, and in this present situation what I am doing will manifest the wonders of the coming hour, and they will last for all eternity. I am not giving you something that is here today and gone tomorrow, beloved – I am giving you an eternal gift, and it will live on forever in the hearts of those who have given their allegiance to Me, offering to Me all that they are, and all of their desires. I am the One Who will supply the wonderful essence of My presence to those who lay down their lives and follow the course of the Beloved.

It is smooth sailing ahead, beloved. Get your position fixed on Me, and know that onward you will march into the day of renown – the day when the Beloved collects His own to dwell with Him forever.

The hour is here! The time is NOW!!!

Savage Wolves

Mary Clark

(A Prophetic Exhortation)

November 29, 2004

Savage wolves are on the attack, beloved. Get yourself braced. Get yourself braced for Me to overtake them on your behalf.

I am calling to My dear children, telling you that I will fight your battles. Keep your focus on Me. Speak My truth over your situations and see results that will pay off in full.

The enemy is on the rampage. He is snarling and biting any who get in his way. Stay focused on Me and see the Avenger avenge. For just as surely as I have spoken My truth over you, I am directing you to a safe haven in Me. Those who willingly accept My plans will know a freedom from the enemy and his snarling ways. They will walk in a place of freedom and delight.

That is what I have planned for those who keep their focus on Me, and speak My truth over their situations. The enemy would like to ravage your life, beloved, but you don’t have to put up with His antics. You are equipped to kick him in the teeth. Just give him a swift kick by speaking My words of truth and know vindication that comes with serving the Almighty God. Yes, true vindication comes in following after My heart and pronouncing that I am your very own. And I am, dear child of the living God. I am your very own and you are Mine – you are certainly Mine!!!

avenger – to get revenge as for a wrong. To take revenge on behalf of, as of a wrong

931 posted on 12/08/2004 6:17:54 PM PST by Quix (5having a form of godliness but denying its power. I TIM 3:5)
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To: All


PLEASE go to the Jerusalem Post article


and read it with post#928 in mind.

Bush wary of UK peace summit; [Daily Edition]
JANINE ZACHARIA, DOUGLAS DAVIS and HERB KEINON. Jerusalem Post. Jerusalem: Dec 7, 2004. pg. 04

People: Bush, George W, Blair, Tony, Abdullah II, King of Jordan
Section: News
Text Word Count 903
Document URL:

Abstract (Document Summary)
WASHINGTON - US President George W. Bush on Monday pledged that the US government would "be involved" with helping to push for peace between Israel and the Palestinians, but stopped short of publicly endorsing a peace summit in the UK, one idea aired for helping kickstart the peace process.

Instead, America and Israel are less resistant to a businesslike meeting that will focus on "practical ...

That is a link to the abstract. I think I can FREEPMAIL most of the article if you are interested. I don't recall if the JERUSALEM POST is on the copyright list or not but I suspect it is.

940 posted on 12/09/2004 3:25:26 AM PST by Quix (5having a form of godliness but denying its power. I TIM 3:5)
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