To: Peach
With the Clintons heading the RAT Party, it will get dirtier!
239 posted on
10/07/2003 6:49:48 PM PDT by
(Vote for Arnold -- Republican by Choice!)
To: PhiKapMom
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE -- I want to see the 'Rats launch every type of dirty legal challenge they can possibly mount!
NOTHING would be worse for them and better for us than for the 'Rats to launch a legal challenge or twenty to try and invalidate an election that Ah-nold and Tom won overwhelmingly!
PLEASE keep giving LOTS of airtime to 'Rats whining like babies because the voters ran their horrible Governor out of office!
And -- CONGRATULATIONS to the 'Pubs -- they won ONE MORE for the Gipper! is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson