Seattle Times, huh ??From the same state that THIS THING hails from ...
Uh...did I say something wrong?...
Doh !Send Senator "Taliban Patty" Murray (D-Wa)
an e-mail asking her to resign her Senate positionTaliban Patty
A short audio excerpt of her comments
Murray to Press - "Patty Tired!"
AP - December 2002 - Dateline Seattle Zoo
An irate Patty Murray swung angrily from her tire here today, denouncing her critics' negative reviews of her remarks praising Osama bin Laden.
"Patty tired!" Day signed as the hirsute congressthing shrieked in rage and flung her feces at rapidly retreating critics. Murray, through her interpreter added "Apple not love tired Patty!"
Zoo officials were at a loss of explain her behavior.
exit time for Germany?
exit time for Korea?
exit time for Haiti?
exit time for Bosnia?
We are waiting for your responses.
I have no clue as to what your point might be. What was FDR's and Truman's "exit strategy" while fighting Hitler and Tojo?
We'll leave Germany, et. al. when it is in our national interests. Germany is a good example. We are their because the U.S. learned after the first World War that we need to be there to prevent a third World War from occurring. Though it is appropriately being revisited in light of political changes in Germany, and worldwide strategic changes, that policy worked for over 60 years.
I have served my country in uniform over 15 years for the specific purpose of keeping potential harm to my country and family at least 5,000 miles off shore. I'd rather serve overseas and keep my family safe in the U.S., than wait for aggressors to hit them at home.
Any other choice is false. For the U.S.A. to become an isolationist nation is to invite aggression at the time and location of the aggressors' choosing. My job in the U.S. Navy has been to keep the "sea-lanes-of communication" open to all, because if they are closed to any, they will be closed to the U.S.A.. That situation favors those who would harm our nation, and our national interests. That is why U.S. servicemen and women deploy in times of peace and war, and that is why they will always continue to do so. We fight for freedom even if no one else does, and we protect and defend the freedom and lives of other nationals, as a means to defending our own citizens lives.
Get a grip.... you're question is trite.