It's a travesty of human intelligence to honestly assume that rapists, sadists and murders, who are in prison for rape, torture and murder will not rape, torture and murder while in there.
The only option to keep all prisoners free of rape, torture and abuse is to stick each and every prisoner into solitary confinement. Go ahead. Try it. I dare you.
Did you miss all the outrage for the past few decades about WHY we should not let rapists, murders and sadists with life terms out on parole? Or did you think that was empty rhetoric?
These people are predators. They were predators before they went to prison. They are predators while IN prison, or the bigger preditors will eat them alive. It's survival of the fittest for these people in the street. It's survival of the fittest for them in prison. This is their life. This is their mindset.
The priest wan't killed for no reason. There WAS a reason, though none of us know what it is. Getting all histrionically morally equivilant like an ACLU lawyer wannebe isn't going to change basic human nature, and these guys are in prison because they are human beings who are unable not to prey on the rest of the population. The motive for every crime is as individual as the person who commits it.
Don't judge the rest of us because a predator in prison killed the priest predator in prison, especially when some of us anonymous posters may have greater and more intimate understanding into the criminal mind than you do. The good father isn't the first child rapist to be murdered in prison and he won't be the last, and NONE of them will be mourned.
I agree.