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Drudge Report ^
| 08/22/03
| Matt Drudge
Posted on 08/22/2003 2:40:17 PM PDT by Pokey78
Orlando Salinas broke in a few minutes ago and announced this on Fox News.
TOPICS: Breaking News; Government; News/Current Events; US: Alabama
KEYWORDS: falseidol; itsarock; publicproperty; roymoore; suspension; wackos; worshiptherock
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To: Libertina
To: TexasGunLover
They have been trying to murder Terry Shiavo for years now. She is not comatose. She has a web site and can respond to people. The only problem is that she needs a feeding tube. They want to kill her because he thinks his wife would have wanted it that way. Her parents cannot even see her. A priest could not even see her. The husband's team accused the priest of being a spy.
If you want updates, visit or find Terry's web site and you can see her respond to her mom and respond to her doctor.
Judge Greer's been trying to kill her for years. The parents keep appealing. Starvation is a painful death and the husband and his attorneys are despicable. Terry Schinder-Schiavo, condemned to death because she has a feeding tube. This is another matter that is beyond belief. What kind of country are we becoming?
posted on
08/22/2003 6:42:19 PM PDT
floriduh voter
To: sinkspur
But Moore would have nothing but the 10 Commandments in his foyer.The the proper course of action would be to litigate taht, not remove the Ten Commandments, no?
To: rwfromkansas
"We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it. We have staked the future of all our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments."
James Madison
To: varina davis
"This issue is so much more than just a symbolic "rock" in a courthouse. It is based on a principle and on heartfelt rebellion against multiple decades of a force-fed diet espousing anti-religion, anti-morals and anti-nation."
I agree. There seems to be two basic views in this country: Atheism and Theism (which has various forms). Neither view is neutral. In fact, they are direct opposites. Both beliefs are religion, as they are both "system of beliefs" (check Webster's definitions).
In the early days of this country, the Judeo-Christain God was clearly favored over other religions. He was acknowledged and referred to in our founding documents. He was honored with public prayer, taught in schools, mentioned on our currency, and the Ten Commandments were engraved on our public buildings. None of these actions were illegal or deemed unconstitutional by those who wrote the constitution, who were still alive at the time. It was their understanding that such actions did not constitute the "establishment of religion".
When the government officially refuses to acknowledge God, and forcibly removes references to God from the schools or public places, it favors Atheism over Theism.
Atheism is not neutral. No religion is neutral.
posted on
08/22/2003 6:45:49 PM PDT
To: jwalsh07
The the proper course of action would be to litigate taht, not remove the Ten Commandments, no? Uh, Walsh, I believe it WAS litigated.
Moore lost.
posted on
08/22/2003 6:46:12 PM PDT
(Get two dogs and be part of a pack!)
To: rwfromkansas
Did they suspend Madison for that right wing Christian kookery?
To: B Knotts
Tienamen Square comes to mind. I'll be calling all of my congressman and potus and vice potus. Majority rule is over and this is just the beginning of the end of religious freedom; unless it's islam.
posted on
08/22/2003 6:46:30 PM PDT
floriduh voter
To: walrus954
I know I'll be flamed for saying thisFlames are just words.
You're right, and don't you ever shrink from offering your convicted opinion on this board!
Good job.
posted on
08/22/2003 6:48:27 PM PDT
(Get two dogs and be part of a pack!)
To: Knute
For what it's worth, I have the Ten Commandments posted in my Sunday School class.
posted on
08/22/2003 6:48:28 PM PDT
To: strela
aryan brotherhood is a prison gang...hardly a religion.
many of the others are actually sects.
To: B Knotts
Thank you, I happened to run across that thread and suspected that's what you were referring to.
To: floriduh voter
Majority rule is over and this is just the beginning of the end of religious freedom; unless it's islam. Majority rule is mobocracy. The Constitution was written SPECIFICALLY to circumvent mob rule.
Let me ask you: are you any less able to practice your religion today than you were yesterday? Can you pray? Can you go to Church?
How does the removal of a rock in Alabama prevent you from worshipping your God?
posted on
08/22/2003 6:51:42 PM PDT
(Get two dogs and be part of a pack!)
To: Beck_isright
"Too bad no one else is listening."I noted your post as well and nodded to mysef in agreement.
We are all part of the same organism, hopefully encouraging each other with our respective two cents here and there...
posted on
08/22/2003 6:52:24 PM PDT
(Shhhh...Watch and Listen -- The New World (State) Order is trying sneak in through the back door.)
To: wardaddy
aryan brotherhood is a prison gang...hardly a religion. So does the state have to approve a religion in order for it to be a religion? Their parishioners believe they are a religion - who am I (or the state) to tell them they're not?
many of the others are actually sects
So? There are lots of sects that fall within the general rubric of 'Christianity'.
posted on
08/22/2003 6:52:58 PM PDT
("Each of us can find a maggot in our past which will happily devour our futures." Horatio Hornblower)
To: walrus954
No, I won't flame you for it, but I do disagree with you. Throughout history, Americans who have had the courage to disobey bad laws and bad court rulings and stand up for their principles are the ones who have brought about changes. That's the case here. Judge Moore has made a courageous stand against the anti-religion establishment, and I wholeheartedly support him.
posted on
08/22/2003 6:53:58 PM PDT
To: walrus954
"I know I'll be flamed for saying this, but I think it is right."Boo, hiss...
posted on
08/22/2003 6:55:07 PM PDT
(Shhhh...Watch and Listen -- The New World (State) Order is trying sneak in through the back door.)
To: B Knotts
I think freepers stuck sore loserman stickers everywhere including at gas pumps.
posted on
08/22/2003 6:57:05 PM PDT
floriduh voter
To: floriduh voter
I think freepers stuck sore loserman stickers everywhere including at gas pumps. There's a remaindered bookstore in my area that had a rash of Sore Loserman stickers on their copies of Al Gore's "Earth in the Balance." Gee - wonder how that happened?
posted on
08/22/2003 6:59:42 PM PDT
("Each of us can find a maggot in our past which will happily devour our futures." Horatio Hornblower)
To: strela
I know ABs, they are not a religion. They don't really worship anything but power and self preservation in prison. They might on occasion ask a Christian Identity adherent for mythical advice.
I doubt many know what a Strong's Concordance
by your definition and the rest of the secularists, anything is a religion.
A sect is not a religion. It's a sect.
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