To: dutchess; JohnHuang2; Billie; All
That suicide truck driver, seconds before blowing up, was probably yelling out the window, 'Yo, Bush! Want the bombing to stop? Then allow international troops in Iraq through an expanded United Nations Security Council mandate! Listen to John F. Kerry, and stop going-it-alone!' Madame Halfbright is out there using the same talking points as Kerry.......'going it alone' is the cause of all the terrorist bombs....these RATs will twist anything that happens in order to blame Bush.....It's disgraceful!
63 posted on
08/21/2003 1:00:36 PM PDT by
(Take W-04....Across America!)
To: JulieRNR21
Hi Julie. Good to see you as always...
72 posted on
08/21/2003 3:01:12 PM PDT by
(JohnHuang2...the voice of reality!)
To: JulieRNR21
#63 -- It's why, on defense and national security, Democrats can't pass the laugh test. And it's why they'll be out of power for a long, long time. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson