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IRAQ: Weapons of Mass Disappearance - (Where are the WMD? Manipulation to go to War? )
time ^ | Sunday, Jun. 01, 2003 | MICHAEL DUFFY

Posted on 06/01/2003 9:01:13 AM PDT by Ernest_at_the_Beach

Weapons of Mass Disappearance
The war in Iraq was based largely on intelligence about banned arms that still haven't been found. Was America's spy craft wrong — or manipulated? 

Soldiers of the 25th Infantry rummage through a bombed-out house in Mosel looking for weapons
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Sunday, Jun. 01, 2003
How do take your country to war when it doesn't really want to go? You could subcontract with another nation, fight on the sly and hope no one notices. But if you need a lot of troops to prevail and you would like to remind everyone in the neighborhood who's boss anyway, then what you need most is a good reason — something to stir up the folks back home.

As the U.S. prepared to go to war in Iraq last winter, the most compelling reason advanced by George W. Bush to justify a new kind of pre-emptive war was that Saddam Hussein possessed nuclear, chemical and biological arms — weapons of mass destruction (wmd). "There's no doubt in my mind but that they currently have chemical and biological weapons," said Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in January. "We believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons," said Vice President Dick Cheney in March. That Iraq might have WMD was never the only reason the Bush Administration wanted to topple Saddam. But it was the big reason, the casus belli, the public rationale peddled over and over to persuade a skeptical nation, suspicious allies and a hostile United Nations to get behind the controversial invasion. And while that sales pitch fell flat overseas, it worked better than expected at home: by late March, 77% of the public felt that invading U.S. troops would find WMD.

But eight weeks after the war's end, most of that confident intelligence has yet to pan out, and a growing number of experts think it never will. Current and former U.S. officials have begun to question whether the weapons will ever be found in anything like the quantities the U.S. suggested before the war — if found at all — and whether the U.S. gamed the intelligence to justify the invasion. For now, WMD seems to stand for weapons of mass disappearance. Smarting from the accusations that they had cooked the books, top U.S. officials fanned out late last week to say the hunt would go on and the weapons would eventually be found. CIA officials told TIME that they would produce a round of fresh evidence for increasingly wary lawmakers as early as next week. After dispatching dozens of G.I. patrols to some 300 suspected WMD sites in Iraq over the past two months, only to come up empty-handed, the Pentagon announced last week that it will shift from hunting for banned weapons to hunting for documents and people who might be able to say where banned weapons are — or were. But it is clear that the U.S. is running out of good leads. "We've been to virtually every ammunition supply point between the Kuwaiti border and Baghdad," Lieut. General James T. Conway, commander of the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, said last week. "But they're simply not there."

Wherever they are, the missing weapons are beginning to cause trouble elsewhere. Overseas, British Prime Minister Tony Blair is under fire from critics for overstating the case for war. The accusations came at an awkward moment for Bush, as he began a seven-day diplomatic trip to smooth over relations in Europe and seek peace in the Middle East. Moreover, mistrust about the Iraqi intelligence was growing just as the Administration began to make a similar case against Iran. In order to defend the credibility of his agency, CIA Director George Tenet took the unusual step of issuing a statement last Friday dismissing suggestions that the CIA politicized its intelligence. "Our role is to call it like we see it, to tell policymakers what we know, what we don't know, what we think and what we base it on. That's the code we live by." Asked to translate, an intelligence official explained that if there was a breakdown on the Bush team, it wasn't at the agency. "There's one issue in terms of collecting and analyzing intelligence," he said. "Another issue is what policymakers do with that information. That's their prerogative."

One of the oldest secrets of the secret world is that intelligence work involves as much art as science. While it is difficult, dangerous and expensive to snoop on our enemies with satellite cameras, hidden bugs and old-fashioned dead drops, knowing what all that information really means is the true skill of intelligence work. The information is often so disparate and scattershot that it amounts to little without interpretation.

And interpretation has long been the speciality of the hard-liners who fill so many key foreign-policy posts in the Bush Administration. Unlike his father, who ran the CIA briefly in the mid-'70s and prided himself on revitalizing an embattled spy corps, George W. Bush dotted his foreign-policy team with people who have waged a private war with the CIA for years, men who are disdainful of the way the agency gathers secrets — and what it makes of them. Working mainly out of the Pentagon, the hard-liners have long believed that America's spy agency was a complacent captive of the two parties' internationalist wings, too wary and risk averse, too reliant on gadgets and too slow to see enemies poised to strike.

Two Bush aides in particular, Rumsfeld and his Pentagon deputy, Paul Wolfowitz, have a long record of questioning the assumptions, methods and conclusions of the cia. Wolfowitz was a member of the famous B Team, created in the mid-'70s by the cia, then headed by Bush's father, to double-check the work of the cia's line analysts about the military strength of the Soviet Union. Filled with many hard-liners who now work in the younger Bush's Administration, the B Team was spoiling back then for bigger defense budgets and a more aggressive foreign policy. It found many of the cia's conclusions about the Soviet Union softheaded and naive. Its final report helped launch the Reagan-era defense buildup of the 1980s. Rumsfeld also chaired a bipartisan commission in 1998 set up by Congress to assess the pace of rogue states' missile efforts, which concluded that the cia wouldn't be able to gather intelligence quickly enough to meet the unseen threats posed by Iran, Iraq and North Korea. That dire prediction — reinforced by a North Korean missile launch a month later — turbocharged the nation's push to build a $100 billion missile shield, now under construction.

The hard-liners' staunch beliefs were powerfully bolstered after 9/11; they quickly concluded that the CIA failed to anticipate the attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center. And they were not reassured by the CIA's performance after 9/11 either. By last fall, Rumsfeld had grown so impatient with the CIA's equivocal explanations of the Iraq problem that he set up his own mini-CIA at the Pentagon called the Office of Special Plans. It was hatched and designed, as a former U.S. official puts it, to get "the intelligence he wanted."

Several current and former military officers who saw all the relevant data through this spring charge that the Pentagon took the raw data from the CIA and consistently overinterpreted the threat posed by Iraq's stockpiles. "There was a predisposition in this Administration to assume the worst about Saddam," a senior military officer told Time. This official, recently retired, was deeply involved in planning the war with Iraq but left the service after concluding that the U.S. was going to war based on bum intelligence. "They were inclined to see and interpret evidence a particular way to support a very deeply held conviction," the officer says. "I just think they felt there needed to be some sort of rallying point for the American people. I think they said it sincerely, but I also think that at the end of the day, we'll find out their interpretations of the intelligence were wrong." Another official, an Army intelligence officer, singled out Rumsfeld for massaging the facts. "Rumsfeld was deeply, almost pathologically distorting the intelligence," says the officer. Rumsfeld told a radio audience last week that the "war was not waged under any false pretense." And an aide flat-out rejects the idea that intelligence was hyped to support the invasion. "We'd disagree very strongly with that," said Victoria Clarke, the chief Pentagon spokeswoman.

Over the past two weeks, TIME has interviewed several dozen current and former intelligence officials and experts at the Pentagon and cia and on Capitol Hill to try to understand how the public version of the intelligence got so far ahead of the evidence. The reporting suggests that from the start the process was more deductive than empirical. According to these officials, three factors were at work: 

TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: bushdoctrineunfold; iraq; warlist; wmd
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To: templar; FairOpinion; ladyinred; LiteKeeper
From the Link above at post # 47:


"It (Iraq/Saddam regime) admitted, among other things, an offensive biological warfare capability notably 5,000 gallons of botulinum, which causes botulism; 2,000 gallons of anthrax; 25 biological-filled Scud warheads; and 157 aerial bombs.

Despite Iraq's deceptions, UNSCOM has nevertheless done a remarkable job. Its inspectors the eyes and ears of the civilized world have uncovered and destroyed more weapons of mass destruction capacity than was destroyed during the Gulf War.

This includes nearly 40,000 chemical weapons, more than 100,000 gallons of chemical weapons agents, 48 operational missiles, 30 warheads specifically fitted for chemical and biological weapons, and a massive biological weapons facility at Al Hakam equipped to produce anthrax and other deadly agents.

1 posted on 05/30/2003 9:00 PM PDT by FairOpinion
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61 posted on 06/01/2003 10:22:27 AM PDT by Ernest_at_the_Beach (Iran will feel the heat from our Iraq victory!)
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To: Peach
62 posted on 06/01/2003 10:23:41 AM PDT by Ernest_at_the_Beach (Iran will feel the heat from our Iraq victory!)
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To: templar
I wonder if OBL is still on the federal government's payroll.
63 posted on 06/01/2003 10:24:33 AM PDT by Buckeroo
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To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
Glad I guessed right! It's so clear who has read or watched anything produced about Iraq and Saddm and who hasn't through the years that it's hardly worth discussing with those who have theories but no facts at their disposal. Regards, Peach
64 posted on 06/01/2003 10:27:53 AM PDT by Peach
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To: AntiGuv
I have to agree with you. I can't believe that Bush has lied to us, but it does look like the intelligence information has been faulty. Tony Blair promised to resign if no WMDs were found, hopefully they will find something soon.
If not there is a lot of explaining to do, regardless of how bad Saddam is/was.
Discussion these issues doesn't make anyone unpatriotic or a left winger for that matter, the issued have to be looked at objectively.

I actually heard one of our right wing radio hosts say that he was almost ready to apologize to Chretien (barf), not yet, but if nothing found in a couple of months he will.
65 posted on 06/01/2003 10:28:23 AM PDT by scriblett
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To: Peach
Rwanda, Ivory Coast and Congo are the euros problem. We are not responsible for all the problems and since it is in thier sphere of influence, they should BUCK UP and pay for security in their area. Same is true for Kosovo.
66 posted on 06/01/2003 10:28:26 AM PDT by fooman (Get real with Kim Jung Mentally Ill about proliferation)
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To: fooman
I agree with you completely. I was trying to point out additionally that the argument we don't help other nations with human rights problems is because those other nations haven't repeatedly attacked our and haven't made it their stated goal to use WMD to bring down the United States. That little tidbit seems to escape the notice of all too many.
67 posted on 06/01/2003 10:30:16 AM PDT by Peach
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To: Peach
Do you honestly believe Saddam wouldn't sell WMD to AQ?

Peach, do you honestly believe that AQ would have to buy WMD's from Iraq? If AQ wanted them they could just as easily (maybe more easily) make them themselves and avoid the risk of detection. And there are a number of sources for them on the international weapons black market (Russia comes to mind, maybe China too). They're not exactly that exotic. H*ll, you or I could make them if we had a mind to do so.

What we were sold is a bill of goods that Iraq had massive quantities deployable WMD's and were going to use them against us. Obviously not the case. It's no shame to fall for a lie. It is a tragedy to defend that lie after it becomes apparent you were lied to. I doubt that Bush lied to us deliberately. He probably fell for lies that were told to him for reasons known only to the teller. Let's see how he handles it. It ends up as an ego and pride situation for all of us (ego gets me in a position, pride keeps me there) and is a test of true charachter.

68 posted on 06/01/2003 10:34:35 AM PDT by templar
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To: scriblett
The found mobile labs and mustard and nerve agents found in the Euphrates river are enough for me.

But the Al quada found in Bagdad along with Salmon PAk and the cell in Kurdistan are also important reminders.
69 posted on 06/01/2003 10:36:10 AM PDT by fooman (Get real with Kim Jung Mentally Ill about proliferation)
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To: templar
Templar - making a few weapons of mass destruction isn't terribly difficult. Iraq had more than a few - he devoted BILLIONS of dollars to his program. He used them, repeatedly and brutally. He threatened the entire region with them.

I don't believe I fell for a lie. You do. That's a shame and must disappoint you terribly.

70 posted on 06/01/2003 10:38:16 AM PDT by Peach
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To: templar; Peach
A little history being discussed :

Democrats resorting to scare tactics to attack Bush


The launch of the Sputnik satellite, the first manned spacecraft to orbit the earth, by the USSR in October 1957 created panic in America. How could the homeland be safe as long as Russia could violate our airspace unchallenged?

Democratic politicians vying for the presidential nomination sought to squeeze partisan gain from the people's fear. Missouri Sen. Stuart Symington, followed shortly by Massachusetts Sen. John F. Kennedy, accused President Eisenhower of allowing Russia to pull ahead of us in ICBM production.

They declared that the Russian ICBM stock soon would surpass our own. Thus was born one of the greatest fables in modern presidential politics, the nonexistent missile gap of 1960.

It is said that there is nothing new under the sun. Florida Sen. Bob Graham, a recent entrant to the Democratic presidential field, claims to know that al-Qaida is regrouping and that President Bush has been largely unsuccessful in his strategy against the terror network.

As if on cue, Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts is playing a devastating Kennedy to Graham's Symington. Meet the "terror gap."

71 posted on 06/01/2003 10:40:20 AM PDT by Ernest_at_the_Beach (Iran will feel the heat from our Iraq victory!)
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To: Peach
I agree with your arguments as well. The euros spend less than 2% of their GDP on defense. Thats a sham.

So the US is bad when we dont help and bad when we do. Right.

We have the ME, LAtin america, China and Korea to worry about.

We even gave 15B for africa aids. Since the euros have more population, they should buck up at least 20b.

And dont get me started on how americans subsidize drug reseach for the rest of the world....
72 posted on 06/01/2003 10:41:50 AM PDT by fooman (Get real with Kim Jung Mentally Ill about proliferation)
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To: templar
H*ll, you or I could make them if we had a mind to do so.

I think you are wrong about that!

73 posted on 06/01/2003 10:42:15 AM PDT by Ernest_at_the_Beach (Iran will feel the heat from our Iraq victory!)
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To: Peach

"I don't believe I fell for a lie." -- Peach

It doesn't much matter what you believe, does it? You fell for the BIG_LIE and all you do is sit there regurgitating the old government spin .... which is a lie.
74 posted on 06/01/2003 10:43:27 AM PDT by Buckeroo
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To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
Ernest, that quote is about disclosed, discovered, and destroyed weapons and a destroyed facility. It doesn't indicate that anything was current. If anything, it supports Saddams claim that his stuff was all disclosed and/or destroyed and that he didn't have them anymore.

BTW, Clinton isn't a real good source to use for honest evaluation of anything.

75 posted on 06/01/2003 10:43:43 AM PDT by templar
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To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
The Democrats are going to outwit themselves. The world changed on 9/11 and when Tony Blair famously said before the UN "does anyone doubt if those 19 hijackers on 9/11 could have filled those planes with ricin or sarin gas that they wouldn't have? Then we wouldn't be looking at 3,000 dead but 300,000 or more dead".

He was right then and he's right today. Regime change was one stated goal, and we reached that. WMD elimination was another goal and we will either find where they are hidden all throughout the country or we will find where they were sold in the six months previous to the war.

Either way, it's a better world without Saddam's rape rooms and torture rooms; the left has never met a dictator they didn't support and seemingly admire.

76 posted on 06/01/2003 10:45:06 AM PDT by Peach
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Comment #77 Removed by Moderator

To: templar
"If anything, it supports Saddams claim that his stuff was all disclosed and/or destroyed and that he didn't have them anymore. ____________________________________________________________ And Blix didn't report this "fact" why? Funny how you afford Saddam the benefit of the doubt but not Bush.
78 posted on 06/01/2003 10:48:03 AM PDT by tsmith130
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To: fooman
I know. The hate/blame America first crowd has even started appearing on FR. The propoganda of the 60 Minutes and quick soundbite crowd is working; the left must be pleased.

It takes too long for most to read about geopolitics and the Vietnam generation is still with us and have never gotten over the lies told to the nation at that time. It's understandable but regretable.

As for Europe, they have turned a blind eye to more atrocities than anyone but always seem to expect us to risk our treasure to fix it all for them and blame us when it doesn't go exactly according to plan.

My first question when meeting someone from Europe is: Are you from the part of Europe whose arse we saved or whose arse we kicked? The conversation can proceed from there (or not).

79 posted on 06/01/2003 10:48:35 AM PDT by Peach
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To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
I think you are wrong about that!

I don't want to talk about making the stuff on an open forum, but do a bit of research at any decent public or university library (don't check out the books or use the internet, the FBI is watching and you'll end up as a terror suspect even if you aren't even vaguely close to being such). The precursors are, more than likely, avilable to you in very large quantities within 50 miles of your residence. Even that Jap terrorist group (forgot the name) didn't have any problem making quantities of the stuff and Japan is much more restrictive than we are.

80 posted on 06/01/2003 10:49:30 AM PDT by templar
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