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Uprising By Shiites in Basra Underway; British Pouring Artillery into City
Sky News Live Feed ^
| 03/25/03
| TonyInOhio
Posted on 03/25/2003 9:14:57 AM PST by TonyInOhio
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To: doug from upland
We will be friends with the New Iranian government which will start when the Soddomites reach the end of their ropes in Iraq.
posted on
03/25/2003 10:27:58 AM PST
Grampa Dave
(Stamp out Freepathons! Stop being a Freep Loader! Become a monthly donor!)
To: TonyInOhio
Rioting is taking place in Basra by locals opposed to Saddam Hussein, reports say.
British forces are bombing Iraqi troops who are trying to crush the uprising, the reports say.
Reporter Richard Gaisford, who is with troops just west of Basra, said British intelligence officers there told him about the civil uprising.
They told him Saddam loyalists were firing on the rioters. They said UK troops responded by dropping a bomb on the ruling Ba'ath Party HQ. Two large explosions have been heard in the city centre.
Gaisford said the officers had earlier told him intelligence from the city suggested that local people had indicated they would welcome the Allied forces but were in fear of Saddam loyalists.
"Now it seems they have had the courage to stand up to Saddam Hussein and his regime and they will be supported by British forces," Gaisford said.
Gaisford said British troops were preparing to enter the city centre when dawn breaks in Iraq.
Sky News Foreign Editor Tim Marshall said that if the reports were true, it would be a "crucial moment" in the Iraq war.
He said it could trigger more uprisings across parts of Iraq.
Marshall said the majority of the people around Basra were Shi'ite Muslims, who had been oppressed by Saddam's regime.
Saddam's ruling Ba'ath Party are predominantly made up of Sunni Muslims.
Earlier, British military sources said about 20 of Saddam Hussein's henchmen were killed and a key party official captured in a raid by British forces near Basra on Monday night.
To: Alberta's Child
Don't quote me on that... (groan)(grin)
To: Alberta's Child
You are starting to sound like a clone of Pat Buckanananana. Knock it off with the anti America Bravo Sierra!
posted on
03/25/2003 10:29:24 AM PST
Grampa Dave
(Stamp out Freepathons! Stop being a Freep Loader! Become a monthly donor!)
To: SierraWasp; Grampa Dave
I'ma gonna tell yer trophy wife!!! If it was that Hugh, she'd probably want to know.
To: Grampa Dave
I hughly sorry and not very series about my apology!Hey, pal. That's vey series to you.
posted on
03/25/2003 10:30:12 AM PST
(It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never reasoned into. - Jonathan Swift)
To: Stavka2
Stavka, this may be agit-prop on the part of the Brits. The reported uprising ws not witnesed by the journalist and had his info from an intel officer who added in the standard agit-prop line--just as people were questioning what was happening in Basra. It may also be the intel's humanitarian cover to excuse British shelling of Basra. Something they have to do but can't justifiy to the humanitarian types any other way--the Brits can't bee seen to be any different than the Serbs you know :),,30000-1085087,00.html
Reporter Richard Gaisford, who is with troops just west of Basra, said British intelligence officers there told him about the civil uprising.
He said the officers said intelligence from the city suggested that local people had indicated they would welcome the Allied forces but were in fear of Saddam loyalists.
"Now it seems they have had the courage to stand up to Saddam Hussein and his regime and they will be supported by British forces," Gaisford said.
posted on
03/25/2003 10:30:38 AM PST
(Fight Islamic terrorisim by visiting
To: Illbay
To: Hillarys Gate Cult
I love your tag
posted on
03/25/2003 10:31:53 AM PST
(So, tell me.... why do you think 12 years is not enough time to give PEACE a chance?)
To: rocky88
We do the same thing..and it is absolutely disgusting the way CNN is covering things.
BTW,... it sounds like the people in Basra are being mortared by Iraqi Troops. Prayers for the BRAVE victims in Basra!!! Prayers that our troops and the Brits can get in there quick enough to prevent more from dying, and make their uprising a total success!!!
posted on
03/25/2003 10:32:44 AM PST
(A closed mind is like a parachute that won't open...... dangerous and fatal.)
To: Paradox
I disagree. The Baathists are not going to be accused of the massacre of their own people, WE ARE. Since we are going to be blamed anyway, why not get in there and end it now, while there are still some civilians left to tell the tale? We DESERTED these people in 1991, if we stand outside the city with the power to stop a massacre and do not, we are not who we claim to be.
To: Grampa Dave
"The fallacy of making long-term commitments (even righteous and noble ones) should have been made clear to us in 1992, when the same nation that laid waste to the Iraqi military turned around less than 18 months later and elected a depraved jackass from Arkansas with a disco haircut and a severe personality disorder."
--- Alberta's Child
To: Vets_Husband_and_Wife
The Brits better get in there NOW, by morning there may be nobody left to save.
To: Vets_Husband_and_Wife
Haven't you heard??
General Wesley Clark wants to a) run for President or b) be tapped for Vice President.
CNN is giving him free face time as a trial balloon for the Democrats.
He's a loser bureacrat who is ticked off that Gore lost.
To: Alberta's Child
Recent U.S. history tells me that the more likely scenario is that we don't have a clue about what we are doing in the long term. Nobody does. But there are plenty of hindsight referees to pass judgment on "mistakes."
posted on
03/25/2003 10:34:33 AM PST
(God bless our troops!)
To: SierraWasp
I kissed my trophy wife this morning and sent her to work. Someone has to pay for my social security!
Actually, she will probably work until she is 90 not to be around me more 3-4 days per week.
She just found out that after she is 65 and 6 months she can get full social security and still make about $32k per year.
I introduce her as my Sugar Mommy Trophy Wife.
posted on
03/25/2003 10:35:18 AM PST
Grampa Dave
(Stamp out Freepathons! Stop being a Freep Loader! Become a monthly donor!)
To: brewcrew
Ok Vey!
posted on
03/25/2003 10:36:03 AM PST
Grampa Dave
(Stamp out Freepathons! Stop being a Freep Loader! Become a monthly donor!)
To: Fee
I like to see them flee to the Brits. Hopefully the Brits will have their MG set at knee level and open fire. When we hose them all in the open field, stop and listen. If we hear moaning, spray for another 30 seconds. The Brits need to recall Michael Cain into service. As the Saddamits come running out of Basra, they can pull a "Zulu" on them.
posted on
03/25/2003 10:36:14 AM PST
To: Grampa Dave
I believe Desert Rats are the Brits? SAS are Aussies. Here is what I found out: We have almost 2000 Aussie Special Ops along with 100 brits in H3, ( western Iraq), behind enemy lines! These guys are tough dudes.
SAS creates havoc behind enemy lines!
posted on
03/25/2003 10:36:42 AM PST
To: Alberta's Child
Of course.
posted on
03/25/2003 10:37:04 AM PST
(Don't believe every tagline you read - including this one)
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