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George W Bush to address the Nation at 9pm EST, 6pm PST
Fox News ^
Posted on 03/19/2003 3:10:59 PM PST by Hillary's Lovely Legs
Edited on 04/22/2004 12:35:48 AM PDT by Jim Robinson.
President George W Bush will be speaking to the nation at 9pm this evening. Bahgdad This is one hour after Saddam's " GET OUT OF IRAQ" deadline.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: warlist
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To: PaulJ
WHY are our troops massed in the dmz? This is stupid if they aren't leaving til' tommorrow. Easy and vulnerable. I have to believe they're leaving in hours.
To: mhking
"That's awful close to dawn in Baghdad... "
What an ALARM CLOCK that will be!!! LOL
To: Spunky
Oops - sorry about that.
posted on
03/19/2003 4:04:19 PM PST
To: Hillary's Lovely Legs
So two wrongs make it right?
The poster listed Stratfor as the source..and he is a newbie.
I'm sorry you have your feathers ruffled. Doesn't change the fact that this info could be viewed as loose lips, couldn't it? Since this information has NOT been released yet?
Also.....doesn't that make THIS thread a duplicate thread?
posted on
03/19/2003 4:05:21 PM PST
To: seamole
Great idea - united in prayer at 8:00 p.m. tonight. Let's not forget to fly our flags.
posted on
03/19/2003 4:06:02 PM PST
To: joyce11111
Yeah, I was wondinger why FNC isn't running a banner saying that Pres. Bush is going to speek @ 9.
They had one up for 2 hrs. on Mon.
To: justshe
Why don't you ask for this thread to be removed.
To: Hillary's Lovely Legs
Here is another thread that you can complain on... hehehe!
A U.S. Marine uses a radio from his shelter after a desert sand storm in northern Kuwait, close to the Iraqi border, March 19, 2003. With Iraq (news - web sites) defiant, units of a U.S.-led invasion force, have moved into position for a war to oust President Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) that could be less than a day away. Photo by Damir Sagolj/Reuters
posted on
03/19/2003 4:08:11 PM PST
(The liberal democrats, united as ever in opportunism and error.)
To: joyce11111
HLL got it through the news room
posted on
03/19/2003 4:08:23 PM PST
The Wizard
(Demonrats are enemies of America)
To: The Wizard
B-52S in the air........
To: Hillary's Lovely Legs
He's in the Marines 15th MEU. What else would you need to know? Our son is getting packages from us but I'd be interested in contributing to packages to others in his unit that may not be getting packages.
Where are you at?
To: All
We're all edgy and I'm sure everyone is doing the best they can with the information available. I have family overseas in harm's way and appreciate every little tidbit of info that comes across the wires; sometimes it's right; sometimes it's wrong. MSNBC had it all wrong this morning and no one is complaining to them. Let's be extra patient with each other right now. If we can't get along, how can we expect the Senate to get along? LOL
posted on
03/19/2003 4:10:13 PM PST
To: scubadan
I will send you a freepmail
To: The Wizard
One just has to look at GW's character to know that he is not going to wait another second to do this unless absolutely necessary. If he says 8pm EST as the deadline, it's 8pm EST.
To: Hillary's Lovely Legs
~~~Why don't you ask for this thread to be removed.~~~
It is your thread and I trust you will do the right thing.
posted on
03/19/2003 4:11:18 PM PST
To: Tuxedo
Her and Kucinich do a disservice to the people of the Great State of Ohio!
posted on
03/19/2003 4:11:36 PM PST
(Get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US)
To: justshe; All
FWIW, MSNBC just announced the WH press corp just received a "Photo lid" a bit earlier and that usually indicates the Pres won't be seen the rest of the evening. They also reported Pres has signed off on the final war plans and made courtesy calls to other govt's letting them know military action was imminent.
posted on
03/19/2003 4:11:39 PM PST
(Wanted: new bunk buddy. Older guys perfectly OK. Language no issue. Call Jacques C. for details.)
To: justshe
Doesn't change the fact that this info could be viewed as loose lips, couldn't it?Could be viewed as dis-information, couldn't it? We could be just pulling Saddam's chain, making him sweat.
We shall know soon enough.
posted on
03/19/2003 4:12:24 PM PST
(The liberal democrats, united as ever in opportunism and error.)
To: justshe; All
There is a rumor of a news embargo on this story regarding a Presidential statement tonight.Keep your powder dry ... and stay up a few extra hours tonight.
To: prairiebreeze
"They also reported Pres has signed off on the final war plans and made courtesy calls to other govt's letting them know military action was imminent." We shall see. Imminent to me means several hours -- not 24 hours.
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