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Name YOUR FreeRepublic Must Read Members II-Where is Everybody?
Free Republic Thread I bumped Into ^
| 02/22/03
Posted on 02/22/2003 10:41:44 AM PST by TaRaRaBoomDeAyGoreLostToday!
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To: Hacksaw; A+Bert
And what was the exact story on A + Bert having a temper tantrum cause he wanted the + (PLUS) in his name. I forget exactly.
To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
I dunno exactly why LostTribe was booted, but he was becoming extremely annoying posting the same blather on thread after thread about the silliness he was obsessed about. Enough was enough.
posted on
02/22/2003 1:37:14 PM PST
(Dems lie 'cause they have to)
To: Sabertooth
I liked Darth Sidious as well, I think he got the boot after he said that Liddy Dole was a RINO and that he was going to vote for Bowles instead.
posted on
02/22/2003 1:37:43 PM PST
To: The Great Satan; PhiKapMom; bonesmccoy
I forgot to menton you three.
To: ping jockey; Vol2727; nothingnew; TaRaRaBoomDeAyGoreLostToday!; Mad Dawgg; ewing; Brasky; ...
Humble thanks, to all of you, for the vote-of-confidence.
To: Chad Fairbanks
Looks like his number has been changed to 100000 now.
To: TaRaRaBoomDeAyGoreLostToday!
Registered can give you the story behind his (A+Bert)final banning...something to do with threatening him physically... I thought it was humorous.
posted on
02/22/2003 1:40:12 PM PST
(Singes qui capitulent et mangent du fromage)
To: Chad Fairbanks
ya know, being a Fascist is unnappreciated, and awfully trying...OH! I thought you were a facist! [Hits self in head.]
My bad. ; )
To: Sabertooth
Thanks for those kind words. But due to the efforts of my numerous detractors, who never fail to blast me (bless 'em!), your praise won't go to my head.
posted on
02/22/2003 1:40:50 PM PST
(Felix, qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas)
To: smith288; Registered
What is the A+Bert story, registered? Did he have a hissy and got the (PLUS) in his name way back when?
Oh and now that I know you are still in the forum-
Favorite Graphic Artist: Registered (hands Down)
To: All
So many people whose posts I enjoy! There's the brilliant and hilarious MadIvan. Paul Atreidas is also hilarious. Registered, of course. JohnHuang2, brilliant and seems like such a classy and gracious person. I always take notice when I see FITZ; his/her posts are always calm, reasoned, interesting and informative. For sheer niceness and classiness, there's 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub.
OhioWFan is sweet and unfailingly positive. I appreciate all of the gals on the "Daily Dose of Dubya," there's lots of fun and humor there. Mo1, in particular, has a great sense of humor! The good-natured bickering between Brad's Gramma and Homeschool Mama is fun, too.
I don't know any of these people personally, and I'm probably leaving lots out. But these are just some I've noticed, some whose posts I always try to read. I'm sure grateful for FR and the folks here!
posted on
02/22/2003 1:47:00 PM PST
Nea Wood
(The Democratic Party...where your vote counts...over and over again.)
To: EggsAckley
Lord have mercy!
That wraps it up in a pretty little bow!
I love FreeRepublic but getting used to the foibles is a little daunting.
Thanks EggsOverEZ ;)
To: listenhillary
OWK still posts here from time to time, but not nearly enough. It's a pity.
To: TaRaRaBoomDeAyGoreLostToday!
I'd have to say Registered is my all time favorite. But I have to add these, also in no particular order. Sabertooth, Dog, Dog gone & Miss Marple.
posted on
02/22/2003 1:52:32 PM PST
To: GWfan
I like you list too. :)
Jwalsh07 is my dearest friend on FR bar none, even though we got "introduced" back when he was flaming me over my dalliance with McCain with great vigor. He was right and I was wrong on that, which is often the case. The man is a gentleman and a great American, tough but fair and with an open mind when it is justified to be so. Sabertooth and DoughtOne I admire for their strong opinions and civility and willingness to engage in a productive dialogue backed up by substance even though we disagree more often than not, particularly in the latter case.
But when it comes to raw erudition and brain power and good judgment, "x" is numero uno on this forum on social science topics bar none in my opinion. Beckett and Southern Federalist are strong too, and I admire them. I enjoy Wiskey Papa for his encyclopedic knowledge of the civil war, slavery and Lincoln, and it is a mere bonus that I agree with him. Another gentlemen is rdf even though we often disagree, but we both take great pleasure when we do find areas of agreement.
And yes Common Tator was and is a sui generis genius curmudgeon, and it is a pity that he lost his patience with us. He was always worth reading, even when his point of view was to me outrageous. Just as often however he hit the nail on the head. His knowledge of the realpolitik and often seamy side of politics was unmatched, because he had been there, and witnessed it first hand.
I know I am forgetting many others, but when you get past 50, memory is not what it once was. In any event, thank you all and, as Peggy Noonan has put it, be good to your troop.
posted on
02/22/2003 2:02:06 PM PST
To: jwalsh07; Sabertooth
Thank you both for the generous words.
posted on
02/22/2003 2:06:58 PM PST
To: knak
oh yes, PhiKap Mom too.
posted on
02/22/2003 2:11:35 PM PST
To: TaRaRaBoomDeAyGoreLostToday!
rintense - her dedication to the Dose is admirable!
RadioAstronomer - he is always helpful with technical questions in his field, and he's a class act even when some yahoo flames him for being on the "wrong" side of an issue.
Jeff Head - remember Klamath - deeds, not words (wait - those too! His book series!)
mhking - his ping lists are popular with good reason!
OhioWFan - her dedication to the conservative cause and her support of President Bush are outstanding! Love her artwork, too!
backhoeYou can always count on him for thoughtful yet entertaining posts.
MadIvan - the webmaster of posts many interesting articles here from the UK media, and injects his own astute observations.
JohnHuang2 - he really does make FR a great overnight news forum with his extensive news research.
68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub - his activism in support of our troops and veterans is legendary and welcomed by this veteran...
Paul Atreides - his photoshopped images are keepers!
RightWhale - his insights and questions/ideas on the subject of astronomy are thought-provoking; he's a lot of help on the APOD thread when I'm away.
posted on
02/22/2003 2:12:51 PM PST
(This list is by NO means complete !)
To: Nakatu X
One post would have done it. I'm not doubling your bribe! ;)
Anyway, picture me bowing. You're a voice of reason on the generally insane crevo threads.
To: TaRaRaBoomDeAyGoreLostToday!
Hopalong was my favorite for sure. He is MIA though.
LSJohn gets honorable mention. MIA also.
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