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Democrats playing dangerous game with Estrada nomination
The Orlanda Sentinel thru Fort ^
| Feb. 17, 2003
Posted on 02/19/2003 8:44:04 AM PST by Ragtime Cowgirl
Edited on 02/19/2003 9:01:09 AM PST by Admin Moderator.
The Democrats promise to continue to filibuster Estrada's nomination until the Bush administration delivers all memos that Estrada wrote for the U.S. Solicitor General's Office when he worked there. They say they can't vote without more information.
I'm always for disclosure. The more the better, and Congress has every right to know how the administration is executing laws on, say, the war against terrorism.
But the Democrats' argument is a stretch, and a desperate one at that.
TOPICS: Activism/Chapters; Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Editorial; Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: District of Columbia; US: Florida
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To: Ragtime Cowgirl
The Democrats dragged Clarence Thomas through the mud. He has been a distinguished jurist on the Supreme Court.
I'm not sure why we're arguing about this, since we're all on the same page, as far as I know.
posted on
02/19/2003 10:15:18 AM PST
To: Utah Girl
I do, too. Your two Senators, by the way, did an excellent job of de-bunking every accusation from the left last week. Sen. Hatch exposed the lies and the next day each Dem. Senator repeated the lies again - each parroting the same talking points, no doubt provided by the same leftist law professor who gave the Dems. the idea to obstruct everything after Jeffords jumped.
These Democrats in the Senate remind me of the cowardly men who dressed as women to escape on the lifeboats as the Titanic sunk. Some day when their children ask, "what did you do in the war, Daddy?" they'll say what?
posted on
02/19/2003 10:39:49 AM PST
Ragtime Cowgirl
("If you are going through hell, keep going."-Sir Winston Churchill)
To: Cicero
We are on the same page, Freepers are just holding the journalists to the same high standards of accuracy as we hold each other. (^:
posted on
02/19/2003 10:41:02 AM PST
Ragtime Cowgirl
("If you are going through hell, keep going."-Sir Winston Churchill)
To: Cicero
FREEP the poll on Estrada
posted on
02/19/2003 10:42:16 AM PST
(Confirm Miguel Estrada)
To: Ragtime Cowgirl
A quick bump.
To: votelife
I've emailed both of my Senators - even though I know they will vote to confirm Estrada, I told them I would like to see them on the Floor of the Senate and fight for his nomination as well.
posted on
02/19/2003 10:52:45 AM PST
To: votelife
Thank you for the link, I emailed Senator Frist this morning about the importance of forcing the Democrats into a full-fledged filibuster if they are going to change the confirmation process in this manner.
To: GOPrincess
Thanks for emailing Frist GOPrincess.
FREEPers, I have created the ultimate Estrada activism thread. On it you will find ways to contact Senators, newsspapers, radio/tv people, organizations etc. Go there and help support Estrada. Keep the thread bumped until we get him confirmed.
posted on
02/19/2003 2:32:10 PM PST
(delayed confirmation is delayed justice)
To: Ragtime Cowgirl
Yep.. You're correct and you're right.
posted on
02/19/2003 5:18:11 PM PST
(FORGIVE and FORGET (but keep a list of names.....))
To: b4its2late
posted on
02/19/2003 5:40:58 PM PST
To: votelife
"Being Hispanic for us means much more than having a surname," said New Jersey Rep. Bob Menendez, a member of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. "It means having some relationship with the reality of what it is to live in this country as a Hispanic American."
This is the Democrat case against Estrada...
posted on
02/19/2003 7:30:43 PM PST
To: Ragtime Cowgirl
posted on
02/20/2003 12:43:32 PM PST
(Free Miguel)
To: votelife
The Freep for the day is Rush Limbaugh. Rush gets around 20 million listeners a day. He has drawn a lot of attention lately with Daschle and Clinton complaining about him...
So, we need to encourage him to keep talking about Estrada. Here is the info:
YOU can call The Rush Limbaugh Show program line between 12 Noon and 3PM Eastern Time at: 1-800-282-2882
You can e-mail Rush at:
You can fax Rush at: 212-563-9166
You can write Rush at:
The Rush Limbaugh Show
2 Penn Plaza
New York, NY 10121
Everyone, it only takes a second to do this, let's show some support for Miguel and get this guy confirmed!
posted on
02/21/2003 8:53:26 AM PST
(Email Rush and support Estrada!)
To: Ragtime Cowgirl; All
To: Ragtime Cowgirl
posted on
02/21/2003 9:11:43 AM PST
(†With God all things are possible.†)
To: onedoug
Dear President Bush,
With the Surpeme Court session getting ready to close, it may well be time for perhaps the most important domestic decision of your presidency: the appointment of a Supreme Court Justice(s). The main reason why I supported you in 2000 and why I wanted Daschle out of power in 02 (and 04) has to do with the courts. I want America courts to interpret law, not write law. During your presidential campaign you said Thomas and Scalia were your two model justices. Those are excellent models. The High Court needs more like them. Clarence Thomas recently said to students that the tough cases were when what he wanted to do was different from what the law said. And he goes by the law. This should be a model philosophy for our justices. Your father, President Bush lost his reelection campaign for 3 main reasosn, as far as I can see. 1. he broke the no new taxes pledge 2. David Souter 3. Clinton convinced people we were in a Bush recession (which we had already come out of by the time Clinton was getting sworn in)
I urge you to learn from all three of these: 1. on taxes, you're doing great. Awesome job on the tax cut. 2. good job so far on judicial appointments. I want to see more of a fight for Estrada, Owen, and Pickering, but I commend you on your nominations. 3. by staying engaged in the economic debate you'll serve yourself well
I have been thoroughly impressed with your handling of al Queida, Iraq, and terrorism. You have inspired confidence and have shown great leadership.
But I want to remind you that your Supreme Court pick(s) will be with us LONG after you have departed office. I urge you to avoid the tempation to find a "compromise" pick. Go for a Scalia or Thomas. Don't go for an O'Connor or Kennedy. To be specific, get someone who is pro-life. Roe v Wade is one of the worst court decisions I know of, and it's the perfect example of unrestrained judicial power.
I know the temptation will be tremendous on you to nominate a moderate. But remember who your true supporters are. I am not a important leader or politician. I am "simply" a citizen who has been an enthusiatic supporter of you. I am willing to accept compromise in many areas of government but I will watch your Court nomiantions extremely closely. What the Senate Dems are doing right now is disgusting, but as the President you have the bully pulpit to stop it. Democrats will back down if you turn up serious heat on them.
Moreover, I think public opinion is shifting towards the pro-life position. Dems will want you to nominate a moderate, but almost all will vote against you anyways. Pro-choice Repubs will likely still vote for you if you nominate a Scalia, after all, you campaigned on it. So Mr. President, I urge you to stick with your campaign statements and nominate justices who believe in judicial restraint, like Scalia and Thomas.
Happy Memorial Day and may God bless you and your family.
posted on
05/29/2003 4:32:32 PM PDT
To: votelife
Good letter. Thanks for sharing it.
I'm proud that my wife and voted for W, and then street demonstrated for him here in LA three weekends running during the Florida debacle.
posted on
05/29/2003 4:54:28 PM PDT
To: onedoug
campaigning for Jeb last fall (my first campaign) was a great experience. I can't wait to help support W in the next election!
posted on
05/29/2003 5:09:23 PM PDT
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