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Nobody Protested Bill Clinton's Wars (1998 - launched more missiles into Iraq than entire Gulf War)
Rush Limbaugh .com ^ | 2/18/03 | El Rushbo

Posted on 02/19/2003 4:30:08 AM PST by Libloather

Nobody Protested Bill Clinton's Wars
February 18, 2003

We say that this program is show prep for the rest of the media that follows. A little monologue we did yesterday, the first ever audience participation monologue in the history of the program, where we asked you people to form a little circle with your index finger and thumb to represent the protestors protesting Saddam Hussein over the weekend, is now being echoed throughout the press.

Every program I saw yesterday afternoon and last night talked about the same thing, that none of these protests were anti-Hussein. They were all anti-Bush and anti-America. Where were these protesters when Clinton launched cruise missiles at Iraq? Do you know that Bill Clinton launched more cruise missiles into Iraq in 1998 than the total number of cruise missiles that were used in the Gulf War? Bill Clinton, in 1998, launched more than 450 cruise missiles into Iraq. This is why we ran out of them in Bosnia.

No, Jacques Chirac was not appalled at Clinton's actions, there were no protesters protesting then. There were no protesters protesting what we did in Bosnia, there were no protesters protesting what we did in Haiti.

These protesters we saw this weekend are not protesting anything other than George W. Bush and America. They're protesting a Republican president and conservative Republican power. That's it in a nutshell and that sentiment was echoed throughout the media all afternoon and night last night, and I assume while Joe Millionaire was on, the cable news networks were still making that point.

TOPICS: Editorial; Foreign Affairs; Government
KEYWORDS: 1998; clinton; cruisemissiles; gulfwar; iraq; launched; protested; war
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...what we did in Bosnia...

A situation that maybe the French should've taken care of on their own?

1 posted on 02/19/2003 4:30:08 AM PST by Libloather
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To: Libloather
Anyone know where there's a list of all the groups supporting the anti-American effort that Rush spoke of?
2 posted on 02/19/2003 4:35:02 AM PST by evad (It IS a Crusade)
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To: Libloather; Real Rush
There were no protesters protesting what we did in Bosnia,

Rush, you are wrong. During the time we were bombing Belgrade, Al Gore came to Philadelphia. There was one protester: I stood outside his hotel with a sign saying "BALKAN GORE IS ON YOUR HANDS". (The word "GORE" was red and dripping.)

In all the protests in which I have participated (and there have been many), I have never gotten as strongly positive a reaction from passersby as I did with that sign.

3 posted on 02/19/2003 5:15:17 AM PST by Physicist
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To: Libloather
Nobody Protested Bill Clinton's Wars (1998 - launched more missiles into Iraq than entire Gulf War)

Worth repeating ad nauseum.

4 posted on 02/19/2003 5:33:54 AM PST by Elenya ( And So It Begins...)
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To: Libloather
I can't resist it. I have to post this letter I read in the paper for the rest of the Freepers' education and amusement:

"I think Bush is a wacky Christian bent on a holy war with Iraq. I hope the UN Security council stops him before we are all blown away by some terrorist he dug up.... Bush is a little crazy and should be impeached. Clinton never had a war. He had peace and prosperity. His little love affair was no business of Congress, and they made fools out of themselves trying to impeach him.

We should learn to love our enemies not kill, destroy, hurt and make enemies all over the world. Love is sure better than war. It is a hopeful sign that other nations are opposed to war and wish to find a way to settle this affair in Iraq by peaceful means."

"In America we can be strong and prosperous. We do not need to shed our blood for oil. We can made ourselves strong here at home with thousands of miles of oceans on both our shores to protect us from invaders."

"We need to stop destroying ourselves and build a power defense here. We have the ultimate weapon in atomic power. This saved us in WWII and stopped the cold war. The threat of total destruction has proven to be our best way of stopping aggression on our soil. It makes no sense sending Americans around the world to root out terrorists."

This letter had us laughing all morning. Perhaps we should express our "love" by blowing away an entire country? Not only is this writer dreadfully ignorant about many things, but he contradicts himself terribly.

I wanted to post this as a vanity for fun but decided just to add to a post. If this is the mindset of the typical peace protester, they are scarier than I thought!

5 posted on 02/19/2003 5:38:17 AM PST by I still care
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To: Libloather
Anyone here a member of Rush's 24/7 club on his website? I am real close to pulling the trigger. I work in an office 8-6 and don't get a chance to listen, except when I make it over to the gym on my lunch break, and then it's only for an hour tops.

How is the membership? Do you like it?

PS-My professional goal is to operate my own hot dog stand, and in my mind I always picture myself serving up hot dogs to a busy lunch crowd, with Rush playing on my radio while I work. Dare to dream.

PPS-Back in 92, Rush really did help me decide to turn my life around. Sounds corny, but it's true.

6 posted on 02/19/2003 5:38:20 AM PST by Huck
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To: Huck
Keep chasing the dream Huck. I think it is a minimal cost but like you I never pulled the trigger. FR dominates my addictive personality.
7 posted on 02/19/2003 5:42:13 AM PST by jwalsh07
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To: jwalsh07
It's cheap. $7/month or so. Just wondering if I'd find the time to listen at night.
8 posted on 02/19/2003 5:47:00 AM PST by Huck
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To: Elenya
And to think, President Bush hasn't even fired a shot yet. Amazing, absolutely amazing! I guess all those commies didn't just give up and go away did they?
9 posted on 02/19/2003 5:54:55 AM PST by Arizona Pard
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To: Libloather
Anyone know where there's a list of all the groups supporting the anti-American effort that Rush spoke of?

Thanks Libloather..
that surely is a motley looking crew

10 posted on 02/19/2003 5:55:46 AM PST by evad (It IS a Crusade)
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To: Arizona Pard
And to think, President Bush hasn't even fired a shot yet. Amazing, absolutely amazing! I guess all those commies didn't just give up and go away did they?

That's why I'm scared to death of the rumors of Bubba becoming the next U.N. Secretary-General.

11 posted on 02/19/2003 6:14:16 AM PST by Elenya ( And So It Begins...)
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Libertarians protested Clinton's late-'90s "splendid little wars," both big "L" (the Party, in rhetoric and resolution) and small "L" (sympathizers who stoked the opposition in all media).

Party members tried to get some physical protests going in major cities, including Washington and Chicago, among efforts that I know about. Few Republicans would join us, however. That weakened the general interest in LPers joining Republicans, in turn, two years later for physical protests over Sore/Loserman. (Though I joined.)

12 posted on 02/19/2003 6:18:05 AM PST by Greybird (“We have crossed the boundary that lies between Republic and Empire.” —Garet Garrett, 1952)
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To: Physicist
There were no protesters protesting what we did in Bosnia,

Rush, you are wrong. During the time we were bombing Belgrade, Al Gore came to Philadelphia. There was one protester: I stood outside his hotel with a sign saying "BALKAN GORE IS ON YOUR HANDS". (The word "GORE" was red and dripping.)

In all the protests in which I have participated (and there have been many), I have never gotten as strongly positive a reaction from passersby as I did with that sign.

Let's modify that to read "there were no leftist protesters protesting what we did in Bosnia...

13 posted on 02/19/2003 6:19:54 AM PST by JimRed
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To: Libloather
Do you know that Bill Clinton launched more cruise missiles into Iraq in 1998 than the total number of cruise missiles that were used in the Gulf War? Bill Clinton, in 1998, launched more than 450 cruise missiles into Iraq.

He wasn't dragged to the UN by those who wanted to "give peace a chance" either

14 posted on 02/19/2003 6:26:07 AM PST by pfflier
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To: Libloather
Actually, there were protestors against the war in Kosovo. Read your FR archives. One, for example, was organized by Larry Klaymans group and had conservative support. Also, Rush and a majority of congressional Republicans were against the war. Those crazy conservative peaceniks! Traitors all of them eh?!
15 posted on 02/19/2003 6:26:11 AM PST by Austin Willard Wright
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To: LuvUSA
Try post #10
16 posted on 02/19/2003 6:30:11 AM PST by evad (It IS a Crusade)
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To: Libloather
Marked for later reading.
17 posted on 02/19/2003 6:33:42 AM PST by sport
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To: evad
I have 3 of them

Vanguard Public Foundation
Global Exchange
International Answer

Spokesmen from all these groups admitted they collaborated in putting the march together. All of these groups are socialist based. I haven't checked them out yet, but I fully intend to.
18 posted on 02/19/2003 11:05:24 AM PST by CyberAnt ( Yo! Syracuse)
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To: CyberAnt
Thanks CA..
adding to my list.
19 posted on 02/19/2003 11:35:56 AM PST by evad (It IS a Crusade)
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To: pfflier; Libloather
Do you know that Bill Clinton launched more cruise missiles into Iraq in 1998 than the total number of cruise missiles that were used in the Gulf War? Bill Clinton, in 1998, launched more than 450 cruise missiles into Iraq.

Didn't know that's ..that's about a half Billion dollars to distract from Monica.

Whew!! The most expensive B-J this nation ever got.

20 posted on 02/19/2003 11:56:36 AM PST by evad (It IS a Crusade)
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