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Sharpton bid a nightmare for Democrats ^
Posted on 02/17/2003 5:57:58 PM PST by rs79bm
Edited on 07/12/2004 3:39:58 PM PDT by Jim Robinson.
The Rev. Al Sharpton's presidential bid is sending shudders through the Democrats' rank and file, who fear that his fiery, racial rhetoric could divide their party and lead to defeat in 2004. Almost 10 months before the presidential primary contests begin, the black civil rights activist is coming under surprisingly sharp attack from Democratic-leaning journals and party activists, who say his agenda is rooted in racial polarization that poses a "nightmarish" scenario for Democrats next year.
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TOPICS: Activism/Chapters; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Illinois
KEYWORDS: moselybraun; sharpton
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To: rs79bm
This just shows the strength and diversity of our party that the Republicans clearly do not have," said Guillermo Meneses, the Democratic National Committee's chief spokesman.Your "diversity" is but a black veneer, Mr. Meneses, as evidenced by this very situation that threatens to expose the facade. Sure, Let "Reverend" Al Sharpton be the front man for your stealth candidate. Feed him to the media dogs.
The always-so-pleasant-to-listen-to Terry McAuliffe is also excited about another potential fake candidate, the NATO wonk, because he thinks people are idiots and will see all the medals and vote for him out of patriotism without knowing his background during the Clinton years. Yeah, Terry The Annoying went to CPAC and visited the booth and came up with a good idea: "Hmmm...the voters seem to like red, white and blue, military attire, medals..." (pssst, Terry! We're on to ya!)
posted on
02/17/2003 6:49:37 PM PST
(Give Iraq to Hillary so she can be a Queen of her own country!)
To: rs79bm
The good Reverend Al is on a mission from God! You gotta' love a man that refuses to take a backseat on the Democratic bus. Hey, Al Baby, next time the DNC calls, tell 'em...
To: rs79bm
That's why we're all re-registering as RATS and sayin' Go Sharpie GO! Bro, what a dream ticket, you unnestan what ahm sayin'? Sharpie/Tawana Brawley, or Sharpie/Rodney King or Sharpie/Toni Morrison! I can dream, can't I?!
posted on
02/17/2003 6:53:43 PM PST
Revolting cat!
(Someone left the cake out in the rain I dont think that I can take it coz it took so long to bake it)
To: NineMillimeter
Sharpton/Moseley-Braun ticket!
Where do I sign up? Heck, I'll go door to door!
This is the best thing to happen to Republican politics since Ronald Reagan!!!!
To: Revolting cat!
No bro, we gotta be making it dieversified, you follo me? How about Sharpie/Rosie Ruiz?
posted on
02/17/2003 6:57:04 PM PST
Revolting cat!
(Someone left the cake out in the rain I dont think that I can take it coz it took so long to bake it)
To: rs79bm
I may be way out of line here, but it sure looks like Sharpnose might have a link to Dubya in the way earsPeroit was linked to Bubba! :-)
But then again, every radical racist out there except ole' JJ is running. But when the press gets through chewing em all up and spitting them out, watch out for little round faced Bob Graham (from a Floriduh point of view, he's new national meat and they need a bone).
posted on
02/17/2003 6:57:19 PM PST
(POW/MIA - Bring 'em home, or send us back! Semper Fi)
To: Capitalism2003
This is going to be so much fun to watch! But party crossvoting can backfire with disasterous results. I can elaborate, if anyone wishes. Also, in some states, if you vote in the demorat primary you have to chose from the slate all the way down the list. This leaves room for awful candidates to survive in the Republican primaries, even liberal Repubs. The best and most honest thing to do for the Republic and the US Constitution is to vote right and leave the tricks to the demorats. They are going to kill their own this time, and I don't see where they are going to get their messiah.
To: rs79bm
"A strong showing by Sharpton in even a few primaries ... could lead to nightmarish
complications for the eventual Democratic nominee,"... What? Are they discounting that the Reverend Al has any chance of being the nominee?
Is the fix in already?
To: rs79bm
Democrats can't afford to take Sharpton down. They won't risk offending any part of the 90% of blacks who vote for them. No, the media they carry in their pockets will have to do the job for them. And the job will be done. Count on many exposes of Sharpton. Stories overlooked for 30 years will somehow be new. New and shocking. News.
Last week, lengthy articles in the New Republic and the American Prospect magazines delivered the strongest attacks yet on Mr. Sharpton, though they do not quote any Democratic official by name.
posted on
02/17/2003 7:18:10 PM PST
To: Nucluside
Remember when KKK David Duke ran for US Senate in Lousyiana? Duke ran for the House from La., not the Senate, if my memory serves me right.
posted on
02/17/2003 7:20:23 PM PST
To: Cicero
In other words, the Sharptons and Jacksons of the world are welcome to help their betters prepare the feast, but they shouldn't expect to sit down at the table with Massa after it's cooked.You got it.
posted on
02/17/2003 7:24:47 PM PST
To: rs79bm
If there are candidates who are unhappy with his positions on things, they should say so," said Harold Ickes, the deputy chief of staff in the Clinton White House. "There was a lot of hand-wringing about Jesse Jackson in 1988, and he was very controversial in some of his remarks, but it is now generally agreed that he brought tremendous strength to the party," Mr. Ickes said. "It will be interesting to see how African-Americans vote in the primaries. They are no different than anyone else and do not want to throw their vote away. They will want to vote for a candidate who can win the nomination and the election," he said. Jackson brought strength to the party in '88? Nah, when the Dems lost they vowed not to be "divisive" in the next election and, voila...The Stainmaster.
Nice of Clinton butt boy Ickles to bring this up. Sorta a preview for '08 and Her Heinous.
posted on
02/17/2003 7:24:50 PM PST
To: rs79bm
posted on
02/17/2003 7:36:06 PM PST
doug from upland
(May the Clintons live their remaining days in orange jumpsuits sharing the same 6 x 9 cell.)
To: Cicero
In other words, the Sharptons and Jacksons of the world are welcome to help their betters prepare the feast, but they shouldn't expect to sit down at the table with Massa after it's cooked. One of the other things that the media isn't telling us in this story or any other is what Rev. Sharpton's appeal is to blacks and what he is saying that threatens the democratic party. One of the things Rev. Al has been saying is that the days of the black vote being the mistress of the DNC (Mistress = OK to sleep with but not OK to bring home to Mom and marry!)are over! That is a direct threat to the hegemony of the democratic party over the black vote. That vote would then legitimately split between the leftists - who would vote for Rev. Al - and the moderate/family oriented/conservative black vote that would vote Republican.
Terry McAwful might have to talk to his old boss about that one!
To: Excuse_My_Bellicosity
We Freepers knew this the moment that Sharpton announced his candidacy. Go, Sharp, go!! You're not being angry and militant enough. You need to hang out with Hillary a lot more, too.
Ha, I think it's great. I may have to send him a donation and encourage him to keep going.
To: Cicero
Sharpton's words take the Democrat's rhetoric to it's natural conclusion. He finishes the sentence that the white liberals start. He gives voice to their thoughts. He is what the Democrat Party has become.
To: nwrep
Duke ran for the House from La., not the Senate, if my memory serves me right.
Duke did run for the Senate in 1990 against Senator J. Bennett Johnston. In 1999 he ran in the special election to succeed Congressman Bob Livingston, but by then his core support had waned and he only came in third behind David Treen and David Vitter.
To: RepubMommy
I'm beginning to think that the Dems have already determined that 2004 is a lost cause and probably will do little to counteract Sharpton. They'll just let him do his thing and when the dust settles blame the 2004 loss on him. That way they have justification for convincing minorities that without the "leadership" of the Clintons, Kennedys, Kerrys, Daschles, etc., they would be beaten down farther economically by the right wing conservatives.
posted on
02/17/2003 8:42:10 PM PST
To: WorkingClassFilth
Carol Mostly-Fraud is a BUST. It's back to the drawing board for Willie the Wanker, Hitlery and McAwful to find another stalking-horse to siphon votes from Sharp Al.
posted on
02/17/2003 8:50:41 PM PST
Sharpton has been a despicable, criminally racist blot on the American scene for over a decade. What is most telling is the silence of the lib press about Sharpton's activities (being the stinking hypocrites they are) during his infamous rise. There's no way they would have given David Duke the same leeway. They're too busy trying to smear all Republicans as racists for believing in the spirit of the constitution.
posted on
02/18/2003 2:20:13 AM PST
( For life-long happiness, learn how to play the accordion.)
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