Posted on 02/17/2003 2:14:26 PM PST by Paul Atreides
A couple of those rich people who are supposed to be among the sole beneficiaries of the presidents proposed tax cuts want even more such as a genuine liberal talk show to go head to head with Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Michael Reagan, the reigning czars of the vast Right-wing conspiracys nationwide radio network.
Apparently unaware that liberals already have their very own national radio network National Public Radio (NPR) Sheldon and Anita Drobny are chattering about putting up really big bucks to lure liberal comedian Al Franken to take on the thankless task of trying to sell the lefts idiot propaganda to an utterly disinterested American public which has repeatedly tuned out when liberals turn on.
The couple, described by todays New York Times as "venture capitalists from Chicago who have been major campaign donors for Bill Clinton and Al Gore want Franken and a stable of "other well-known entertainers with a liberal point of view for a daily 14-hour, lineup of what the Times described as "commercial programs that would heavily rely on comedy and political satire.
Not satisfied with the near-total stranglehold Liberal have on the networks and the mainstream media, and terrified by last Novembers GOP victories and the success of the "fair and balanced Fox News Cable network, the Drobnys and their fellow leftist Democrats have come up with a start-up investment of $10 million to get the project off the ground, and hope to raise another $200 million to get the show on the road and finance other ventures.
The Drobnys and their allies claim that the utter failure of past attempts to sell their brand of Marxism to the American electorate, notably the almost instant collapse of the hapless Jim Hightower and Mario Cuomo shows which were touted to be answers to conservative talk radio, does not portend failure for this newest venture into broadcast socialism,.
"I feel like there's a monologue out there," Ms. Drobny told the Times. "I just had this tremendous feeling with great passion that we had to make sure we're heard and make sure having a dialogue in this country of ours."
But Kraig T. Kitchen, chief executive of Premiere Radio Networks, one of the nation's largest radio syndication companies with the Limbaugh, Reagan and Dr. Laura Schlessinger shows , among others to its credit, told the Times he wouldnt have avoided producing liberal programs if he thought there was money in them.
"Individuals who are liberal in their viewpoints can be all-encompassing," he added. "It's very hard to define liberalism, unlike how easy it is to define conservatism. So, as a result, it doesn't evoke the same kind of passion as conservative ideologies do."
Henry Reisch of the William Morris Agency, a representative for Franken, said his client was seriously considering the offer, but was mainly concerned about whether he could handle the commitment of a daily radio program.
The money for the new liberal radio network is coming from the Paradigm Group, of which the Drobnys are the principal partners. Mrs. Drobny is the chairwoman of the venture, which is being called AnShell Media L.L.C.
Jon Sinton, a longtime, Atlanta-based radio executive, will be the CEO. According to the Times he helped start the nationally syndicated Hightower radio program which liberals had hoped that would be their answer to Rush Limbaugh. It was canceled shortly after its launching in the mid-1990's, a venture Sinton says failed because it tried "to be Rush - you're not going to beat him at his game," Sinton told the Times. "What really makes this work is tapping into Hollywood and New York and having a huge entertainment component, where political sarcasm is every bit as effective as Rush Limbaugh is at bashing you over the head."
Just what we need talk radio starring Barbra Streisand and a gaggle of other Hollywood useful idiots spouting their peculiar brand of limousine Marxism 14 hours a day. Two years of that kind of babble and there wont be a single Democrat left on Capitol Hill after the 2004 elections.
When liberals accuse the media of a conservative bias, they say so for one of two reasons. The first is a lame attempt to defeat a harmful fact by simply contradicting it with the opposite of the truth, a kindergarden-like accusation ("You hit me! No! You hit me!).
The second reason is the view that the media, as instruments of the free market, are "conservative" because they are not socialist institutions, like The People's Daily of North Korea. The profit-seeking media condemning profit-seeking is one of those bizarre disconnects conservatives have learned about liberalism. And again, it is the essence of liberalism: the inability to relate principles, personal behavior, and political views.
I remember with utter clarity, how William F Buckley -- the lonely public voice of conservatism in the 60's -- was regarded by liberals as a nut case and extremist. Any human being ought to have been able to see that Buckley was a gracious, gentle, principled, courageous man of remarkable equanimity. But liberals could not see that, so essential was their childish confusion between their politics and their principles.
Radio is personal and intimate. Radio does not tolerate phoniness and absurd artifice, as so many of the other media do. (Limbaugh and Stern ... strange bedfellows, but cultural twins.) Liberalism does not need an attitude adjustment ... it needs an attitudectomy ... but then it would not be liberalism.
It's hard to know what to think when you can't think.
It won't get past "I feel that...."
Will he survive THAT plight?
Michael Savage has been on the radio in San Diego for quite some time at KSDO 1130. You can hear him during the 6:00 pm hour live Mon - Fri. From 7:00 to 9:00 KSDO airs his show on tape delay. You can hear him live on KPLS 830 out of Orange County from 4:00 - 7:00 pm which I've picked up as far south as I-15 and Aero Drive.
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