This is also an opportunity for the Bay Area FReeper Chapter to get to know each other. There won't be much time beforehand, since we're meeting only an hour before the mob arrive. But anyone interested in getting together afterwards is welcome to join the party at the Cathedral Hill Hotel at Van Ness & Geary. We went there last time and found the lobby restaurant devoid of peaceniks and therefore, very peaceful!
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To: SeenTheLight
Also check out for a billboard campaign started in Louisville, KY by a local businessman who wants this to spread across the country.
96 posted on
02/09/2003 8:44:11 AM PST by
(I support the Axis of FReedom.)
To: SeenTheLight
I'll see if I can make it.
I saw about 1000 (so the paper says)of Saddam's useful idiots marching yesterday in downtown Petaluma. As Rush would say, it was a collection of "long haired, dope smoking FM types!"
97 posted on
02/09/2003 8:53:37 AM PST by
(Saddam says Thanks to his useful idiots!)
To: SeenTheLight
Good luck.
To: SeenTheLight
I'm being forced (grade participation) by my English professor to go to a Anti War Protest on Campus. I'm going to wear my God Bless America Shirt, my Michael Savage Hat. And I might bring some signs any suggestions?
To: SeenTheLight
See posts # 20 and #26 on
this thread.I spent a long time searching out possible protest poster ideas for our NC Patriot Rally.
Good luck out there in the west, FReep on!
132 posted on
02/10/2003 8:55:54 PM PST by
(NC Patriot Rally Feb 15th 12-2 downtown Raleigh.........Don't be a FINO!!! Support Our Troops)
To: SeenTheLight
Get ahold of your county Republican Party Chairman and get the word out to all of the precinct committee officers (PCO's). They'll help get out a lot of folks who don't ordinarily cuise this website, but who are itchin' to show their support for the Prez and the troops.
Go for it!
133 posted on
02/10/2003 10:40:58 PM PST by
To: SeenTheLight
Stop the War on Iraq! Mass March and Rally
Sunday, February 16th 2003 11 AM
San Francisco, California
Join Bay Area United Against War, Not In Our Name, International ANSWER and United for Peace and Justice to say Stop the War Against Iraq! In solidarity with people all over the world who oppose a war against Iraq, we will gather at 11 AM at Justin Herman Plaza and march at 1 PM for a 2 PM rally at Civic Center. We welcome the participation of all. We can and must unite with one voice to stop this tragic war!
Here's what you can do:
*Help us build for the next mass anti-war march and rally on Sunday, February 16th!
We encourage you to come by the office, 2017 Mission St. (@16th) to help make calls - we are calling thousands of people throughout the Bay Area - and pick up some flyers to distribute on your commute, at work or school, and in your community. In addition, if you have internet access at home, we could use help with the website.
*Volunteer on Sunday, February 16th!
We need volunteers to help with security, logistics, flyering, tabling, and ensuring that everyone has a great time! Please join with us on this important day to help make it as efficient and inviting as possible. To sign up, please contact Maddy Bassi at 415-575-5555 or
We also wanted to let you know of some of the meeting points for the labor, faith, women, people of color and student & youth contingent marches:
Labor Contingent: Assemble with Labor for Peace and Justice at the intersection of Spear St. & Folsom (Three blocks south of Market). Please bring signs or banners from your organization, loved ones and co-workers.
Interfaith Contingent: 11AM Gather at Civic Center for an interfaith Service. Please bring others from your place of worship, loved ones and materials to express you desire for peace.
Women Contingent: 10AM Join with the Code Pink women's cluster and the Pagan Cluster, at 10 AM at Montgomery and Market St.
Women and People of Color Contingent: 10AM Assemble at Yerba Buena Gardens, Mission St. between 3rd and 4th. For more information, please call 410 444 2700 x304.
Environmentalist Contingent: It is being planned, please contact us for the location! (415) 575-5555 or
Student & Youth Contingent: Student and Youth pre-march SPEAK OUT and Contingent
Where: Golden Gate University, 536 Mission Street (corner of First Street)
When: Speak Out begins at 11am, SUNDAY, February 16
How: Get off at Embarcadero BART (Mission St. is 1 block South of Market
Who: All Bay Area students! Campus Anti-War Network (CAN), Not In Our Name
Student and Youth Project, International ANSWER Student and Youth, United for Peace and Justice Student and Youth and YOUR SCHOOL!
Why: Show Bush that Students are ORGANIZED and ANTI-WAR!
For more information, please contact Campus Anti-War Network at or 510-333-4604.
* If the War on Iraq Escalates - We Must Be Ready!
San Francisco Emergency Response Actions
5:00 pm, Day of the Attack: Rally and March, meet at Powell and Market Streets
7:00 am, Morning of the Next Business Day: Nonviolent direct action to stop the war! Meet at the south side of Market and Main Street, near the Embarcadero BART.
Attend the next Spokes Council Meeting, Monday, February 10th, to help plan our emergency response actions if the war escalates. (New College 777 Valencia)
Location: 11:00 am: Assemble Embarcadero and Market 2:00 pm March to and Rally at Civic Center San Francisco California
Contact: United for Peace and Justice 415-575-5555
Sponsored By: San Francisco Labor Council AFL-CIO, Middle East Children's Alliance, Vanguard Public Foundation & Vanguard Alliance, Father Bill O'Donnell-St. Joseph the Worker Church, Lynne Stewart-attorney, Marin Peace and Justice Center, Senior Action Network, East Bay Coaltion to Stop the Sanctions on Iraq, Freedom Socialist Party, Radical Women, Labor Committee for Peace and Justice, Northern California Interreligious Conference, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Peace and Freedom Party, Interfaith Witness for Peace in the Middle East , Socialsit Action, International Socialist Organization, Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club, Out Against War, Socialist View Point / Socialist Worker Organization, El Nuevo Topo Collective, A Jewish Voice for Peace, Peninsula Peace and Justice Center, Peace Action of San Mateo County, Bay Area Progressive Forum, Ed Rosario-Vice President of GCIO Local 4N, Open World Conference Continuations Committee, International Liaison Committee, Medea Benjamin-Global Exchange Founder, Socialist Organizer, David Walters-Shop Stewart IBEW Local 1245, Golden Gate Labor Party, Jeff Macler and Laura Herrera-Co Chairs of Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal
134 posted on
02/11/2003 1:00:39 AM PST by
To: All
142 posted on
02/12/2003 7:30:45 AM PST by
(don't need no stinkin' tag line)
To: SeenTheLight
Frankly, I think you should join their protest and dress like burnt-out hippies from the sixties. Paint peace signs of your face and hands and wear a bandana around your head. Be creative. Carry signs that read "What Are We Fighting For," "Give Peace a Chance," and the all-time overused favorite "Make Love Not War." Blend in, make it look like you are part of their protest and try to get on camera while playing along with it. Don't forget lots of "Wow, Man" in your speech and the good old "All we are saying is give peace a chance...." chant.
It is an old trick blending in with the enemy; and believe me if you do this you will do them damage. It will ruin the image they want to convey to the media which is that they of made-up of regular mainstream Americans. Which we know they are not.
To: SeenTheLight
My Algebra II teacher is going to be there on the opposing sideline (he's an anti-war Quaker pacifist freak)... I wish I could make it to San Fran to counter protest him and his buddies, but I have a conference to go to. Oh well! Good luck!!
153 posted on
02/12/2003 8:18:55 PM PST by
(Please salute our Mussel Man (dware):
To: SeenTheLight
Does anyone know if the naked ladies will be there? Can we bring our buckets of icy cold water?
I may bring a white board, to provide instant responses to their messages.
159 posted on
02/13/2003 12:54:05 AM PST by
To: SeenTheLight
A rally poster suggestion
This could be printed with an ink jet printer, and mounted on cardboard--or better, 1/4 inch plywood. My Canon BJC-85 will posterize an 8.5x11 page to 2x2 and 3x3 size, or 17x22 and 25.5x33. Your inkjet may have a similar functionality.
My sabbath duties won't allow joining the demo, but if anyone wants to come to San Rafael, I could probably print an extra copy.
184 posted on
02/14/2003 1:06:13 PM PST by
(What is a Texan doing in Marin?)
To: SeenTheLight
Check out my new goodies. Just printed 'em up today!
Whaddya think?
209 posted on
02/14/2003 9:45:27 PM PST by
To: SeenTheLight
Here is something for all camara bringing freepers to enter on today's SF rally
Send Us Your Digital Pictures of the Peace Rally
Send Us Your Digital Pictures of the Peace Rally will be continuing its coverage of the Iraq showdown all weekend.
Part of that coverage will include pictures from the Peace Rally on Sunday, but we need your help!
At the Peace Rally, please take digital pictures of the event and e-mail them to us at .
Include the photographer's name for credit.
We will include as many pictures on our site as we can.
Take the best pictures of the disrupters!!!
To: SeenTheLight
Disappointed freeper here- I attempted to travel on the interstate in central Illinois in order to reach Lansing, Mich., today (320 miles). Roads were dangerous. At times I was the sole vehicle on the highway. Speeds of 30mph to 50mph. Roads were snow packed with an ice base as it rained, then sleet fell, finally the snow arrived as predicted. Good luck to all.
FWIW I did drive the 320 miles to Grand Rapids, Mich., on Jan. 29th. President Bush came to town, after the State of the Union address the night before. We- 25 strong, took on about 500-1,000 leftists.
I stayed up all night making signs for today's main event. Here are my latest creations...
Send Our Inspectors Army Navy Air Force Marines
Wage Liberation Free Iraq Remove Saddam
Liberate Iraqi People In My Name Freedom
Dear Old Europe War Solved Hitler
236 posted on
02/15/2003 8:11:57 AM PST by
(And this expectation will not disappoint us.)
To: SeenTheLight
To: SeenTheLight
Anti-War Activists Train Bay Area Residents for Massive Direct Action
by Mary Bull Friday February 14, 2003 at 02:24 PM 415-731-7924
Antiwar Activists will be conducting direct action trainings to prepare Bay Area residents for massive direct action against the war. The trainings will be held during the Peace Rally on Sunday , near the intersection of Polk & Grove, Civic Center. They will occur every hour on the hour, starting at 12 noon, with the last training at 4 PM. Media advisory follows.
David Taylor: 202-210-4887 (cell)
Leone Reinbold: 510-798-8170
More info: Direct Action to Stop War
To: All Media Date: February 13, 2003
Anti-War Activists Train Bay Area Residents
for Massive Direct Action
Sunday, Feb 16, 2003, 124 pm, Polk and Grove, Civic Center, San Francisco
Who: Direct Action to Stop the Wara diverse, grassroots anti-war movement that advocates creative, non-violent direct actionincluding civil disobedienceto stop the war against Iraq, reclaim democracy, and promote social justice as the way to achieve lasting security. In particular, the group is organizing a Day After mass protest action: Should the US government ignore the voices of the anti-war majority in America and around the world and declare war on Iraq, Bay Area residents will mobilize en masse on the next business day to shut down the warmakers and transform the city from war, oil, and profits to peace, resistance, and life.
What: Direct Action Training. In response to the growing ground-swell of public dissent against the war, activists will be conducting direct action trainings to prepare ordinary people to take non-violent direct action to express their outrage toward a government that refuses to listen to them and insists on the worst act of terrorism: war. Many of these people have never engaged in public protest, let alone civil disobedience, and are eager to learn how. The trainings will include discussions on forming an affinity/action group, blockading a building, occupying an intersection, educating the media and passers-by; avoiding arrest, while supporting others who are willing to risk arrest, creating jail solidarity, and understanding the scope of our civil rights on the street and in custody.
When: Feb 16, 2003. 12 noon to 4 pm, before and during the mass anti-war rally. Trainings will be conducted every hour on the hour.
Where: At the intersection of Grove and Polk Streets, Civic Center, San Francisco.
Why: Because it is our patriotic duty to resist an out-of-control government that is poised to start a war that does not reflect the will of the majority of people, that will kill and maim thousands of civiliansmost of them children, that will cost taxpayers billions, lose the friendship of our allies, destabilize the Middle East, and increase the threat of terrorism. Because we must stop this war and take back democracy. Because the power is ours if we take it.
265 posted on
02/15/2003 5:51:42 PM PST by
(Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition.)
To: SeenTheLight
266 posted on
02/15/2003 5:58:44 PM PST by
(Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition.)
To: SeenTheLight
Keep up the good work NorCal!
269 posted on
02/15/2003 7:40:01 PM PST by
Bob J
(Join the Free Republic Network!
To: SeenTheLight
If you've got 'em, wear you cowboy boots! French & Germans call us cowboys as an insult. I'm wearing my boots everyday to show support for Bush.
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