I was inside a video store in New Paltz, NY, checking out the new releases. I was the only one within the store besides a woman behind the counter, and the radio was on WCBS-FM.
As I was biding my time, a bulletin broke on the radio, announcing there was an apparent explosion aboard the Challenger (and not the Challenger itself) and it was feared all seven astronauts aboard were killed.
I slowly stood up, and turned around to see the equally wide-eyed woman, and we just stared at each other for what seemed like a lifetime.
At that point, a young man came in and asked if the television in the store worked. When the woman said yes, he turned it on to WNBC-TV. They ran the replay of the explosion (and then we knew what the extent was and there was no way anyone could have been alive), and a few seconds went by, before you heard a technician break the silence with the words, "Obviously a major malfunction."
Then they came back to Tom Brokaw, who declared, "Obviously the understatement of the year."
If anyone has a copy of this photo or even remembers seeing it, I'd like to know where it was published.